My new engine


Lonely Gandy Dancer
My newest steam locomotive arrived today. It's a Lionel B&O Mikado with Railsounds. I even named him Mike. He is an excellent runner, great smoker, and can easily pull a train of seven cars, although a pulling record will be held tomarrow.

I will put up a video describing the arrival of the engine, unpacking it, and it's first run. It'll be put up here tomarrow.

See ya' then,
Named...him...Mike?, some people have WAY too much time on their hands...

lol but I can't wait to see it, sounds like a great loco! I'm into HO scale meself, but w/e.
Only seven wagons? I have a BR50 that can pull about a 2 kilo (5 pound about) load. Know how many wagons that is?

Hi Wolfgang

I had an Athearn SD40T-2 that could haul about 90 cars on the level, and with no traction tyres. Even so, 2kg pulling power I think would have outdone the Tunnel Motor. What brand is it?

Try a non DCC ready hornby castle class. I've got a mate with one of these (Mine is DCC ready, so this doesn't apply for mine), and it hauled a min of 2KG up hill. Infact, I drove it with a train weighing approx 3KG (5 cars, each with a rather large block of lead in them, not sure how much they weighed but it was a heck of a lot). The DCC ready one has the weight above the lead bogie and goes back to the lead drive wheel's axle meaning that it loses most of it's traction...

That's nothing. My repair teacher has an early MTH GG1 that can pull 35 old lionel tankers and a caboose. Can anyone match that. The train must weigh TWENTY POUNDS at least.
That's nothing. My repair teacher has an early MTH GG1 that can pull 35 old lionel tankers and a caboose. Can anyone match that. The train must weigh TWENTY POUNDS at least.
The Prince William County Model Railroad club hooked up about 90-100 roadrailers to a locomotive last show I went to. Each roadrailer, at NMRA standards, ought to have weighed 6 oz. 600oz. / 16 = ~ 37 pounds. This was all in H0 scale.
Hi Wolfgang

I had an Athearn SD40T-2 that could haul about 90 cars on the level, and with no traction tyres. Even so, 2kg pulling power I think would have outdone the Tunnel Motor. What brand is it?


I use Maerklin (put German link cos english website is terrible), a German company that nowadays makes HO, Z, and 1 gauge trains. They are not at all cheap and they produce mostly German stuff (why I buy it:)), their products are also made in their native country, not China. I have a BR50 from a large starter set, this is what pulls 2kg. They are also AC instead of DC.

The Prince William County Model Railroad club hooked up about 90-100 roadrailers to a locomotive last show I went to. Each roadrailer, at NMRA standards, ought to have weighed 6 oz. 600oz. / 16 = ~ 37 pounds. This was all in H0 scale.

Well, I'll bet you all the wheels were oiled. This train was 20-30 lionel POSTWAR tankers. I haven't seen the train in such a long time that I don't now exactly.
Yeah. So far, he can pull nine freight cars. But I'll try to get it to pull 15 today. The video is supposed to be up by tonight.
Ok. I tried 15 cars on him and he slipped to a standstill about halfway thru the layout. But he's kinda like a freight version of Harry, my Lionel 2055 Hudson from 1953. Smokes like Harry too.
OK. As promised, here is the video. Hope peter8 allows embedding here.

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="<A href=""></param><param">"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
lol, nice job, using the music from Sid Meier's Railroads.

It's certainly being put to better use here than in that excuse for a game :o

Oh, and nice loco too....almost forgot that :)

-Chris (tm)
I love the music.

It's actually not surprising that a brand new engine that hasn't been broken in would have less pulling power than a specially tuned and weighted club locomotive. It'll pull a lot more after it has a few miles on it. A couple of traction tires and some ballasting would help.
Still, the layout isn't big enough to run 100 car trains. It seems to be strong enough to haul any train it's likely to find on the plywood. And it's a nice looking engine, too.


Nice engine. Never cared for the small-boilered look, but I love that engine. And being a Baltimore & Ohio engine CERTAINLY doesn't hurt!

Nice video, too, BTW. I didn't know where the music came from until I read the rest of the posts, but it's a nice piece, too. Would love to see more of your layout once you get some scenery done!

Nothing against Lionel but the whistle and from what I could hear from over the music, had the exact same sounds as my K-4. Seems like Lionel needs to reconise the difference in sounds between the two?