I built the whole of the long sadly gone Glasgow tramway system closed in 1962 Well into over 100 miles and every route once in existence. It had 1,100 trams and a great Trainz fan who sady passed away (lived down in England) built the Standard, Kilmarnock Bogie, Single-decker, Coronation and Cunarder. As a wee boy I lived the big system very much but sad we lot the dashed thing. Routes went out of the city to local towns in the west, east and so on included towns and villages. Anyway I had only intended years ago to do the west of the city where I lived but got into the city centre later then the north and east off an on however I never though I'd do it all but over two years off and on I crossed the River Clyde and into the south southeast and southwest drove along to get a copy on a portable copier. More recently a tram and train author on Trainz got into chats and calls with me and I shrunk a copy which he got happily.
I have mused on that project as ages ago was my first attempt at doing anything on Trainz although as indicating never thought I would do th whole system as near as to how things were before closed. Trams were popular by Glaswegians and the day of closure there was a convoy of them going through the city and 250,000 people crammed the streets to say goodbye. The build is still on my pc and I am musing that although the first of 2 projects that being my initial one has only been passed to two folk! On every terminus which is of double track I have also put invisible extensible extension so one can drive a tram from end of one line in a circle to the other track!
Although I have since then built the Northern Ireland Railway plus the mainline extension down to Dublin my Glasgow tramway my first dabble all that time ago so apart from a man on Clydebank and another in outskirts of Belfast maybe once I find out how to upload it maybe it will be interesting to see Glasgow's long gone big tramway........?!
I have mused on that project as ages ago was my first attempt at doing anything on Trainz although as indicating never thought I would do th whole system as near as to how things were before closed. Trams were popular by Glaswegians and the day of closure there was a convoy of them going through the city and 250,000 people crammed the streets to say goodbye. The build is still on my pc and I am musing that although the first of 2 projects that being my initial one has only been passed to two folk! On every terminus which is of double track I have also put invisible extensible extension so one can drive a tram from end of one line in a circle to the other track!
Although I have since then built the Northern Ireland Railway plus the mainline extension down to Dublin my Glasgow tramway my first dabble all that time ago so apart from a man on Clydebank and another in outskirts of Belfast maybe once I find out how to upload it maybe it will be interesting to see Glasgow's long gone big tramway........?!