My Apologies to the forum for Posting wrong size Resolutions in past!


Well-known member
:'( I have in the past posted a number of Pics on the Forum, and probably would have been more appropriate in the Screen Shot Forum, that's one error, but the after reading the Stickies here on Resolution Size, I happened to check my original pics, and to my horror, found them to be 1920x1080 in size.....I just realized that they are the size of my Laptop Screen resolution, I never gave a thought that when I took the screen prints, they would format out that Large? :confused: And I see if they are to large it can make it hard for folks with slower computers or bandwidth to see an oversize picture.

Just a question here on cropping programs, I have Paint.Net for editing things for now, but I noticed others have mentioned "Irfanview" what would you all suggest for a good cropping program?

:o So now that I know, I'll make sure I resize all my pics to proper resolution suggested.

Please accept my apologies for not reading all the instructions.


1920x1080 is fairly average nowadays lol. 1920x1200 seems to be most people's go too.

If a person's internet is that poor in 2016 that they can't load a screenshot that's probably only 500kb anyway (size of actual picture doesn't matter, the file size does), then that's more on them than you.

There is no set maximum size for screenshots. You are welcome to post them as large as you wish, however there are some people here who would prefer it if you give a heads up about large pictures in the topic; it's not required however.

Just a question here on cropping programs, I have Paint.Net for editing things for now, but I noticed others have mentioned "Irfanview" what would you all suggest for a good cropping program?

It's probably not cropping you want - more like re-sizing. Paint.Net does both quite adequately and is much the same as Irfanview. Don't bother about trying to adjust resolution - it's image size and image file format that matters. Using a compressed file format such as JPG is as important as re-sizing.