More than 2 tracks


New member
Hi all
I want to make a bridge spline with more than 2 attached tracks on it the model is made and two inner tracks are attached at trackoffsets -2.5, 2.5 I want to add 2 more tracks at -9.5, 9.5 but I dont know how to add them in the config any help please

thanks Stevep
I'm not a creator so I don't have the knowledge about this, but I know there are 2, 3 and even 4 track tracks available. These are done as 'bridges' even though they are track. Perhaps you could look at their config.txt files and it might give you some pointers? If I can find them I'll post the kuids for you.

Cyberstorm also has some invisible track four track stuff on the DLS, you could also have a look at their config.txt files...

kuid:[FONT=Verdana, Arial]78193:35114

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial]78193:35104

[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial]78193:37403



I might be wrong, bust as I understand it, you just add them to the trackoffsets line separated with the same commas as the 2,5 meter ones.

Check the CCG, or find a similar bridge at check it out.
Or wait, maybe some else who has done such a bridge will either confirm or kill what I said. ;)

Best of luck with best wishes

Linda, you're always right. 8-)

The ccg says any number can be added but I think the trk file format limits it to 5 total. Offset is distance in meters off centerline of the bridge.

Just add them as Linda says.

Bob Pearson