MonkeyWrench Ranch


AC MonkeyWrench Models
MonkeyWrench Ranch {Big Pictures}

The following are some small & BIG pictures of the Senario I am working on to replicate the area of Eastern Oregon where the Ranch my father left to me is located.
The house is gone now, as is my father. I dedicate this to his memory!
As for myself, this has helped me to deal with the fire that took my home and then caused me to have to sell most of the ranch!
I am now far away from the home I grew up on and spent over 40 year of my live working,
but thanks to Auran and you, the creators of content, I can go back in time to live at the ranch once again!
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Aerial Check

I hired a pilot to help me see if everything looks right.
It is very hard to get things to look like they really were in real life!

I can remember when planes would land in this field as there was no airport in the area when I was young.


Memories of Home


Some things are not correct, but the windows and porch are just like what my house looked like!


By the way, that is a ghost sitin there on the porch, my father died in 1990, and this scene is set in 2000!
Looks great, another member and I are working on a layout that is re-living part of our younger days. In a way I wish I still lived there but then I would not possibly be where I am today.

Not to sure if you like to include this in your layout (plus the wording is for all Trainz members who have sadly left us) but there is a memorial on the DLS by Meridious (87907). I remember once a member lost his wife and Meridious re-worded the memorial for him in memory of his late wife.

I found the memorial kuid 87907:25018, now days Meridious spends most of his time at the TPR forum.

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Memorial Rock

Looks great... Memorial for him in memory of..
Looks good, and thanks for reminding me about this, I forgot that I put a stone across the road from the house with the intention of a memorial posting for my father. Never got around to doing anything to it, but it still reminded me of him when I looked at it! Now I have to find a way to replicate that jagged rock. I have forgotten many things about the place, been six years now that I come to Romania, to forget about the fire and losses. But doing this is helping me to deal with the pain and bad memories! I don't even remember where the fences were in some areas, even I built them! Virtual Earth is the best program I have found to look over the land, but it has bad details for the most part, as good as we can get from space I guess. When I find the rock, I will post a picture.
Memorial Stone

I made the rock to look as close as I could with what I could find!


And the Juniper he finally got to grow by planting it, they usually only grow after discharged from a bird.
Memories are great, sometimes at first they are a little sad but then we see through them to the good side.

Enjoy your ride down memory lane, I have been doing the same for just on 10 years now.

When you say Virtual Earth is this the same as Google Earth, or just another name for it ???? Either way some parts of the what Google Earth can see are not as good as others but still interesting to see places we remember.

Take care,

Reality comes alive


This is almost exact as the sign the county put at my ranch, the only one like it in the whole county!
Thanks to Mike Hurst for this Icon. I always find new things everytime I open the DLS!
True Scale vs: Real Scale

:eek: I just realized why I am having so much trouble caculating my distances! The real world is round; Auran world is flat! :confused:
And maybe surveyor true scale is half the earth scale because my brain is on Mars.:hehe:
:eek: I just realized why I am having so much trouble caculating my distances! The real world is round; Auran world is flat! :confused:
And maybe surveyor true scale is half the earth scale because my brain is on Mars.:hehe:
I had never thought of the distances that way, very interesting :hehe:

Forgot to mention in another thread that I read all your story and it was very interesting and somewhat sad. Hopefully your new start to life will be far more rewarding and added to that your finally found the Lady of your dreams according to the paper article.

All the best to both of you.

Dreams Vs: Reality

I had never thought of the distances that way, very interesting :hehe:

Forgot to mention in another thread that I read all your story and it was very interesting and somewhat sad. Hopefully your new start to life will be far more rewarding and added to that your finally found the Lady of your dreams according to the paper article.

All the best to both of you.

The women of our dreams we know for maybe 3 months, then they want to become our mothers or our wives; thus the dream comes to an end!:hehe:
We have been togeather now over four years, still not married, but it is so hard to do anything here in romania with all the commi influenced politics here! Believe me, they need to get rid of the parlment and complete thier new goverment format! As for the story, I am supposed to be writing a script for movie about it, but I left there to forget, now I really hide from the feelings about it and is hard to find them again; not that I really want too!
That looks really good. I love the idea behind it.

I have a small question to ask you. What is the KUID for that red tanker truck, because it is exactly what I have been looking for.
Red tanker truck

That looks really good. I love the idea behind it.

I have a small question to ask you. What is the KUID for that red tanker truck, because it is exactly what I have been looking for.
184151:562:1 Blitz CFS Tanker by VinnyBarb
This senario was done from mapping programs as close to the real thing as I could get, but this tanker was without a cab in real life. Ironically I wanted to make a trailer of it just in case I had a fire! All was lost so will have to start over some day. Ranch was five miles long by 2.7 (average) miles wide. This time I will make the house and main buildings for the ranch homesite. and the roads will be better as I have already made them. and my sporty will be there to ride also!
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now all you need is a project im going to start some day Oregon pacific and eastern (op&e) #19 she served the wallamet valley from my town (cottage grove) to disten and she was the star of emporore of the north pole.