Missouri Pacific, Union Pacific & MILW...


New member
Can someone please enlighten me on what the relationship was between the UP, MILW & MP? I've seen some photo's on Railpictures.net, showing Loco's painted in the same livery as the UP, but with "Missouri Pacific" on the side. Also seen some shots of MILW passenger equipment in the UP livery too. Were mergers proposed between these Railroads, or was it a case of there being shortages of passenger equipment on UP Dome-liners/ Stream-liners, which these other two RR agreed to provide stock to avoid the short-falls?
The Missouri Pacific and the Union Pacific merged together in the 1997.


With a merger, there will be old road names mixed in with the new names, sometimes with still old-company painted locomotives and equipment. In the case of the MP-lettered UP equipment, this is the Union Pacific paying tribute to their merger company. The Norfolk Southern has done this with locomotives painted in the old paint schemes actually for the Erie Lackawanna, Wabash, and many other companies.

The Milwaukee Road (Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul & Pacific) ran some passenger trains for the Union Pacific during the Post War period up to the formation of Amtrak. Here's an interesting, though typical of Wikipedia article on the demise of this great railroad.


It's demise was met out shear greed and stupidity from what I've read elsewhere. There was a management team setup in the mid to late 1970s whose sole purpose was to suck what they could out of the railroad then kill it off, which they did. If I can find the interesting article on it I'll post it.

there was also Western Pacific locomotives in yellow...
The Mopac and UP merged in the early 80's, but didn't finalize the merger until the late 90's. I'm at work and don't have any of my materials with me, but my understanding is that originally, the Mopac was run separately from the rest of UP. To show they were still the same company, the Jenks blue Mopac power was repainted in Armor Yellow with Missouri Pacific lettering. Once Mopac's operations got merged into UP, rather than remaining separate, the Canaries were relettered as Union Pacific and renumbered.

When I get home tonight I'll give a look through my books and see what they say.

I'm afraid I can't speak to Milwaukee Road. I thought I read something once that they ran one of the City Of trains into Chicago for UP, and had an agreement to have a set(s) of coaches and E-units painted in UP colors, lettered for Milwaukee Road to use on the train.
As an aside, I have the SIAM MKPS 1994 Traffic (Signalling) simulation which covers the route between Kansas City and St Louis. At that time there appeared to one train a day off the MoPac at Sedalia (101?), heading for St Louis usually about 0200 with the westbound return working (102?) appearing on the territory around 2300.

Quite a fascinating one to run as both the River Sub and Sedalia Sub to/from Jefferson City included and considerable skill involved in deciding which way to route trains which could operate over either Sub, depending on line occupancy, where the locals were parked up, two Amtrak services in each direction via Sedalia and the fact passing sidings on the River Sub were quite widely spaced.

Always thought this route or at least part of it could form an interesting study in one of the train sims.
Thanks to all for the replies. You've given me some more reading to do! Really interesting shot of the WP Locomotive in UP colours. Never seen this before in all my years of trawling the internet for Rail shots! On a side note, I was saddened to hear of the closure of the Erwin coal terminal by CSX and the loss of those 300 employees jobs. I hope they can find a way out of that one for them and their families.