missing track


New member
Hi out there

I have been trying to use the WM & B&O Mega Route without success for some time now. There are several missing kuids that are more aggravating than essential. But there is one that I consider to be essential if I am ever to get it running.

The track is currently marked up with white dashes that I understand is to replace missing splines when downloading.

I am trying to locate <kuid2:45324:38025:4> track_jr_dk_grey, which I queried on the kuidindex webpage and found it should be available from Jointed Rail, but it is not any more, all I get is 404 forbidden.

I have searched my old routes on 2006 to 2012 without success - I am still using TRS2012 due to limited finances.

Has anyone out there any idea where I can locate this track or a work around the dashed white lines to use another track?

Many thanks
