Hi can anybody help me find missing kuid <116296:199057> GWR King Edward v11, I think it is the tender. I have the loco download but not the tender. Hope someone can help
xcrossi - how do those kuids help finding the missing one
Mallard - 199057 looks too long for the dependencies in the King Edward locos. It looks like it might somehow be a typo for GWR King class Interior,<kuid2:116296:19905:3>. Check in the config.txt file for the interior entry and see what the kuid is and compare that with the kuid table.
You might need to edit the kuid table or re-download the cdp.
xcrossi - how do those kuids help finding the missing one
Mallard - 199057 looks too long for the dependencies in the King Edward locos. It looks like it might somehow be a typo for GWR King class Interior,<kuid2:116296:19905:3>. Check in the config.txt file for the interior entry and see what the kuid is and compare that with the kuid table.
You might need to edit the kuid table or re-download the cdp.