Missing Built-in content in TRS2012


New member
Hello all Electro & I have been working on the problem for 3 days now ok 1st things 1st 3 days ago i have 4 Assets with errors & Electo was helping me out on fixing errors in CM now we got down to these last 4 & Electo said that not right as they are built-in witch in my CM they r not build-in now after 3 days of stressing over that trying to work out what happen i desided to install trs2012 on my 2nd pc was thinking moving the JA files over to reset it all but as i was looking in the CM i couldn't find them on the newly freashed install so i said to myself i'll update the build # did that & still wasn't there now the content's is :

AJS Station 1x50s
Station A7 500ft
Station A6 300ft
Station A2 250ft

now i don't know if there is anymore but that all i have found so far. & i've copyed the JA files from TRS 2010 & did a EDR & still no change i've also have deleted the assets.tdx file & then re-did the EDR & still no change so i was thinking ok maybe my old TRS 2010 copy was all stuffed as not done a reinstall of 2010 in over 12 months or so so i desided to install it on the other PC & tryed it with both been a freash install & still no go so i'm now here to find out whats going on & before ya ask both build's on both systems are at for 2010 it's build:49933 & 2012 is build:49922.
Oh yeah a Mate has the same problem he is using the Stream version i'm using the boxed version witch shouldn't be a problem.

Did you put your TS2010 serial number into TS12? This will bring your TS2010 assets to life.

TS12 users should be able to find those and many other items that are built-in to earlier versions available on the dls.
I tried that, but so far haven;'t located anything for 2010. For earlier versions, yes, but searching for 2010 dependencies yields nada.
Most of the 2010 build-in content when you download them from the DLS they come up with errors. Yes you can fix them but it doesn't help if it's a mutiplayer layout?