Absolute and Total Disaster

I've tried a lot of different software to automatically complete various tasks and sooner or later it didn't end up being what I expected. Therefore, I adhere to the rule = if you want to do well, do it yourself.
Well said and so true. It takes discipline and consistency but it can be done manually. I never relied on automatic processes except for those set up in a server environment, but they were still attended to and configured daily to run at specific times. Being a former network and systems administrator, I take backups seriously and have a specific routine setup for my important data, mostly being my Trainz content.

Anyway, in my last job prior to retiring, I was a well-respected technician with a big company. I supported many C-level VPs and managers and they used an automatic back up system for their documents. One day I got a panic call from one of the VPs saying that his documents were gone and there was nothing backed up.

I wandered quickly to his office to have a look and sure enough, his documents were off to Bit Heaven somewhere. I could see the panic in his face as he paced around his office in angst. I checked his backup software and the program had gone through the motions of backing up documents for months but actually did nothing almost like a child's toy with pretty buttons on it that do nothing! To make matters worse, upon checking his backup drive, the hard disk had died! This is why the backup was taking seconds and to make matters even worse, there were no warnings, errors, or anything to say that the hard drive was nothing more than a brick.

Using some special software, I was able to "scrape" the last backup on the drive from a month ago off the drive and restore the contents for him and ordered a new external drive for him. With that done, we then sat down for a bit of training on how to copy data using a simple copy and paste the stuff he wanted to keep to his external drive rather than rely on some magic process.
Sorry but tools do exactly what you tell it to do, not an iota more. If the instructions are not clear, don't blame the tool. If the instructions are clear, then the tool is broken and must be replaced. Cribbed from Sun-Tzu
There is no better tool than the human brain and common sense.
You don't need to take crutches with you every time if there are no problems with your legs. Cribbed from my life experience.

And when you save the route yourself, the backup will take 30 MB instead of 30 GB.
Sorry but tools do exactly what you tell it to do, not an iota more. If the instructions are not clear, don't blame the tool. If the instructions are clear, then the tool is broken and must be replaced. Cribbed from Sun-Tzu

If the instructions are not clear then the creator of the tool should provide better instructions. Last night I went to shut Surveyor down and I only had the option to create a new route which I didn't want to do. Based on previous disasters, I manually saved and created a CDP before just exiting the game. When I opened the game in Driver today I was offered to Use or Revert and chose Use and everything was OK , just like I left it. When I opened Surveyor and clicked Use , everything was vaporised and it was just bare terrain with Rulers. I exited , opened it again and clicked Revert and everything was fine.
In Sun Tzu's analogy the General was at fault if the instructions were not clear, and I am the soldier.

Edit* In fact everything wasn't fine and the game has decided to flatten the terrain and raise it like it used to do with Trainz 2006 and change textures to the default grass texture. So now I have to find a backup and hope for the best. In other words, both Use and Revert Changes produced disaster.

Washington Destroyed by A1 Northeastern, on Flickr
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Well I managed to restore it to a save at 22.32 last night so I "only" lost one hours work. After this I cracked on and did three hours work, the game froze solid and I lost 3 hours work. I'm done Trainzing for today.
With this level of corruption, I would run a database repair and then clean up the leftover open for edit assets in Content Manager before restoring any backups. This will bring things back to ground zero.

I have a feeling that Trainz isn't closing the files completely before you've shutdown your computer. After shutting Trainz, press CTRL+SHIFT+ESC to bring up Task Manager and watch the trainz.exe process. If this is still running, then that's the culprit that's causing your route corruption.
Didn't there used to be an option to show the hidden trainz activity so that you didn't accidentally step in the database saving process? I get the feeling that many of the "corrupted" route issues are a result of not letting the saving process go to completion.
Didn't there used to be an option to show the hidden trainz activity so that you didn't accidentally step in the database saving process? I get the feeling that many of the "corrupted" route issues are a result of not letting the saving process go to completion.
In TS12 there used to be the option to show processes in a console window. I can't remember the exact wording. That would show two consoles (command windows) with the commands streaming away. When the program closed, the console windows closed making for a simple way to see if everything was shutdown properly prior to turning off the computer.

With T:ANE and up, this went away. While the show-logs option under the Developer menu item functions similarly, it's not quite the same because Trainz is still running anyway.
Well, I've learned lots of lessons. Trainz now inhabits an SSD more or less by itself, I leave plenty of time before shutting both game and PC down, and I save the route religiously to a CDP last thing at night. So I did some work today and everything went great and I smiled at how pretty it looked. I shut my PC down to go and have a bath, then when I opened it up it occurred to me that I hadn't lost any work for a day and I grinned. Open the route, no use/revert changes and.................my work is gone !
I've developed the skin of a Rhino in the years playing this game so I'm used to it by now but I can't imagine what a new player would think.