Mis-Aligned UTM tiles


Trainz Addict
I am building a large route in TRS2006 with the help of TransDem v1.3 Trainz edition.
I am converting Google Earth images to Geo-Referenced images and generating UTM tiles for Trainz.
I have been building in stages, so I am creating about 25 UTM tiles at a time, and importing them in CMP.
Everything works fine for a while, then suddenly I see that my most recently created UTM tiles are not where they should be in Trainz.
They are off by one or more baseboards, and sometimes oriented in the wrong direction.

This only seems to happen to those UTM tiles I have just imported, not the ones that are already on the Trainz route.

Has anyone had this experience?


I've never had this problem. Geophil, the creator of TransDEM, hangs out in the payware forum a lot. You try asking him there.

I've had this problem a bit, but the most annoying thing about UTM tiles is how easy it is to move them by accident when trying to move other objects around the board. One accidental click on them and they shoot off hundreds of feet away from their proper location. I wish they could be 'sticky' and not move too easily.

I've had this problem a bit, but the most annoying thing about UTM tiles is how easy it is to move them by accident when trying to move other objects around the board. One accidental click on them and they shoot off hundreds of feet away from their proper location. I wish they could be 'sticky' and not move too easily.


I too wish they could be locked to the floor. Like a lady tied to the bed. Hehe only joking. But yes, locked so that they cannot be accidentally moved, with a mere click of the mouse. It only takes one accidental click. We are lucky they don't fire bullets!!!!

The sharpshooter site of Bernie :wave:
Yes, we could put this on the wish list for the upcoming version of Trainz Railroad Simulator: locking objects to their horizontal position, while still allowing them to be raised or lowered. We can already prevent rotation (which is used for the UTM tiles).

The UTM projection is not isometric over the entire zone, only along the north-south longitude in the middle of zone. As you go north or south from Equator distances from the center line will be increasingly exaggerated. To fit the edges you need to match the spherical geographic coordinates.

A bit off-topic for the tile jump effect, but be assured, UTM is quite a good solution of mapping the Globe to Trainz.

A Cartesian coordinate system was a key design criterion for TransDEM Trainz Edition. The UTM projection is conformal, and while no projection can be both conformal and equal distance / equal area, UTM can be regarded as such, with an error less than a given threshold within the designated area of each zone. Also, standard UTM is based on an ellipsoid, not on a sphere. Geodetic datum in TransDEM is WGS84, in case you wish to cross-check coordinates.

Never mind,
I've had this problem a bit, but the most annoying thing about UTM tiles is how easy it is to move them by accident when trying to move other objects around the board. One accidental click on them and they shoot off hundreds of feet away from their proper location. I wish they could be 'sticky' and not move too easily.


If you accidently move a UTM tile, you can move it back into place by grabbing it at the southwest corner and using the arrow keys to move it.

CTRL Z will also correct the accidental movement.

I'm gonna see what happens if I try to import ALL of my UTM tiles into CMP at once, them commit them all. I will have more than 1,000 in all if I use all of them. I kind of doubt that I will though, where the RR runs straight, I really don't need the tiles. I just use them mainly to set the track and to help with ground texture and scenery.

I had used an "eye altitude" of 250m in GE for my detail, then when GE resolution was reduced I went to 1.25K altitude. I also use 500m for good resolution where there aren't any track features (switches, etc) to worry about placing.

I may also do a lot of my track in TransDem, using the GeoReferenced GE maps. If I do that, I won't need all that many of the UTM tiles in Trainz. Just where the ground texture is complicated and I want to try reproduce it.
Eventually, when my route is finished, I will get rid of all the UTM tiles.

Yes, we could put this on the wish list for the upcoming version of Trainz Railroad Simulator: locking objects to their horizontal position, while still allowing them to be raised or lowered. We can already prevent rotation (which is used for the UTM tiles).
Excellent idea - I'm going to propose it in the thread for the top 20 improvements for TS2009.

If you accidently move a UTM tile, you can move it back into place by grabbing it at the southwest corner and using the arrow keys to move it.

CTRL Z will also correct the accidental movement.

Yes, and I've started marking out where the SW corner is so I can easily find it again when this problem happens. Doing a CTRL-Z though is very dangerous, it can cause all sorts of problems to the layout. :confused:

Excellent idea - I'm going to propose it in the thread for the top 20 improvements for TS2009......
I proposed the ability to lock things a long time ago - it was met with the usual stony silence, but maybe it will happen for TRS2009 if Auran gets enough pressure.
Mick Berg.
the most annoying thing about UTM tiles is how easy it is to move them by accident when trying to move other objects around the board. One accidental click on them and they shoot off hundreds of feet away from their proper location. I wish they could be 'sticky' and not move too easily

Andi just gave this tip - might this be implementable in the default config of UTM tiles in the next version?

Add snapgrid 720 and snapmode 1 to the template config. You will then only be able to move it by a whole base board