Hi everybody
The operating Systems war between the big three seems very much to be hotting up as we roll into 2015 with Microsoft unveiling yet another new upgrade to its Windows system (Windows 10). Against that the Google operating system continues to gain large-scale support with great numbers of schools and colleges turning to that system for their students through the Chromebook laptops. Apple still retains a considerable hold in the laptop market and arguably quality superiority in the tablet market through its I.O.S system.
I feel that no one can deny that 2014 was another great year for Google by winning wholesale acceptance of its radical thinking in cloud and online technology and incorporating that into its Chromebooks. Microsoft After initially alleging that the Google O.S was not even a true operating system at the start of the year eventually placed free online versions of Word and Excel on the Google Play Store in November, which was quite some turnaround even with their record.
However, Microsoft have now belatedly but wholeheartedly joined the cloud online parity and with initial media acceptance that Windows 10 could at last be the game changer the company has so long looked for in its fortunes. No one I feel should bet against them revising their fortunes and coming out tops in 2015.
I have never been an Apple person and therefore have never owned or worked with any of their products. That stated I do realise that they are a strong company with a committed worldwide customer base which always looks for the quality inevitably found in its products. I have no knowledge of their plans for 2015 but I would certainly expect Apple to come up with major developments in the face of the increased competition for its ground.
The above must leave software developers (especially gaming software developers) with the dilemma of where to place their resources with the view to the best future success. Google has promised the complete integration of android into its operating system this year which will undoubtedly bring forward much raised specifications for Chromebooks as “heavier” games are produced for the Google/android market. Already we are seeing the first desktops running the Google operating system in high Street stores and online.
Microsoft with Windows 10 which reports suggest may be made freely available to users could by that act place themselves once more in an unassailable position as the “technology giants” of 2015. Perhaps there will be renewed interest in the Windows system on all levels if Microsoft for once demonstrates the ingenuity and marketing ability it once was so famous for.
For companies like N3V these must be interesting if not nervous times. Should the future main effort be placed in its flagship product T:ANE running on Windows or should more resources be diverted to Google/android and Apple I.O.S development.
Thoughts anyone?
The operating Systems war between the big three seems very much to be hotting up as we roll into 2015 with Microsoft unveiling yet another new upgrade to its Windows system (Windows 10). Against that the Google operating system continues to gain large-scale support with great numbers of schools and colleges turning to that system for their students through the Chromebook laptops. Apple still retains a considerable hold in the laptop market and arguably quality superiority in the tablet market through its I.O.S system.
I feel that no one can deny that 2014 was another great year for Google by winning wholesale acceptance of its radical thinking in cloud and online technology and incorporating that into its Chromebooks. Microsoft After initially alleging that the Google O.S was not even a true operating system at the start of the year eventually placed free online versions of Word and Excel on the Google Play Store in November, which was quite some turnaround even with their record.
However, Microsoft have now belatedly but wholeheartedly joined the cloud online parity and with initial media acceptance that Windows 10 could at last be the game changer the company has so long looked for in its fortunes. No one I feel should bet against them revising their fortunes and coming out tops in 2015.
I have never been an Apple person and therefore have never owned or worked with any of their products. That stated I do realise that they are a strong company with a committed worldwide customer base which always looks for the quality inevitably found in its products. I have no knowledge of their plans for 2015 but I would certainly expect Apple to come up with major developments in the face of the increased competition for its ground.
The above must leave software developers (especially gaming software developers) with the dilemma of where to place their resources with the view to the best future success. Google has promised the complete integration of android into its operating system this year which will undoubtedly bring forward much raised specifications for Chromebooks as “heavier” games are produced for the Google/android market. Already we are seeing the first desktops running the Google operating system in high Street stores and online.
Microsoft with Windows 10 which reports suggest may be made freely available to users could by that act place themselves once more in an unassailable position as the “technology giants” of 2015. Perhaps there will be renewed interest in the Windows system on all levels if Microsoft for once demonstrates the ingenuity and marketing ability it once was so famous for.
For companies like N3V these must be interesting if not nervous times. Should the future main effort be placed in its flagship product T:ANE running on Windows or should more resources be diverted to Google/android and Apple I.O.S development.
Thoughts anyone?
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