MBTA Route (CSX - Frammingham / Worcester Line)


New member
Hello - Below is a few pictures of a current route that Me, David and a few others r working on. This route will be the real life MBTA route between Frammingham and Boston. We are asking any1 from the Massachusetts Area if they would be willing to help out. You can do this by contacting me on my AIM (Ilovetrainz) - This route is going to be VERY detailed and we r going to have a website coming up shortly for the route. We have currently done a few sections but We need to add A LOT of detail =). If you want to help out! Please do :)

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Is the route gonna be passenger-enabled? If you are thinking of anymore boston MBTA routes, then please do the
Fitchburg line out of North Station. I live on it, so thats would be cool. Also the Amtrak downeaser would be something to consider. Of course, one route at a time.
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If only someone would make some Kawasaki Bi-levels to go with MuttsMooch's horizon MBTA reskin, and his F40 reskin, when Magicland lets him release it.
If only someone would make some Kawasaki Bi-levels to go with MuttsMooch's horizon MBTA reskin, and his F40 reskin, when Magicland lets him release it.

Forget about the F40. Juts forget it.

Bi-Levels, like I said, will be coming soon.

whatever you say (About te F40), It just was when you said it in the other thread (About the Bi-levels), it sounded like a big possibility, hopefully I can start Gmaxing soon, because I think I've found tutorials for v1.2, now to find somewhere else to DL them from.
Is the route gonna be passenger-enabled? I'll only Like it a lot (I' like it a bit no matter what) if it is. If you are thinking of anymore boston MBTA routes, then please do the
Fitchburg line out of North Station. I live in concord, so thats my route. Also the Amtrak downeaser would be something to consider. Of course, one route at a time.
At this time, were not sure if we are going to do this part, I'll try to get back to you on that...

The next step in the project will be 5-7 baseboards (This will be the Wellesley section)
which will consist of 3 stations...we'll be working on the minor details...
Here are some updated pics....

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What happend to them? -Chris

Hey, Chris.

I suggest you read the topic I started about them (from a while ago). If you notice, I wasn't able to get permission to release them. But everyone can still use the F7's if they want. I'm also going to look into creating the Gp(38?) that the MBTA uses.

Hope that helps a little.:D

TER Reskinner

By the way; I'd be willing to take some screens of the F40 on the route, if you want, anybody?
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Is the route gonna be passenger-enabled? I'll only Like it a lot (I' like it a bit no matter what) if it is. If you are thinking of anymore boston MBTA routes, then please do the
Fitchburg line out of North Station. I live in concord, so thats my route. Also the Amtrak downeaser would be something to consider. Of course, one route at a time.
Pleeeeeaaaaassssseeeee do that line! I live in littleton and there is almost nothing that goes on here. I'd love to see my town modelded(not the whole town, of course.)
Hey, Chris.

I suggest you read the topic I started about them (from a while ago). If you notice, I wasn't able to get permission to release them. But everyone can still use the F7's if they want. I'm also going to look into creating the Gp(38?) that the MBTA uses.

Hope that helps a little.:D

TER Reskinner

By the way; I'd be willing to take some screens of the F40 on the route, if you want, anybody?
GP40. Gatta be carefull because it would be dissappointing to see the wrong engine.
Your Bi-Levels are not realistic but you can visit www.kawasaik-railcar.com then go to Urban then Commuter the MBTA for Blue Prints that can possibly help in mesh Creation. It is just my opinion that Magicland is tourturing all of us T fans and I amvery surprided that i a not the only Trainz Fan in New England more like America even.
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It is time. Bend the law a little. Anyway Magicland probably has a life so he will get to you back. I am happy about your creations.

Do you mean release them without Magicland's permission? That not only is an ignorant idea, but I would potentially get banned. Plus, I respect Magicland's decision, even if some others disagree with it.

Besides; Better late than never.
It is time. Bend the law a little. Anyway Magicland probably has a life so he will get to you back. I am happy about your creations.

We have a code of ethics that our business was founded on that we have continued to fallow through out our existence.
Magicland has terms of use and rights over his content, His decisions will be respected regardless of any disagreements.

Sincerely, John Bethuy
TrainzEasternRoutes Chairman
Lead Route Designer