Matching Board ends terrain for seamlessness


New member
I have perused this section for hours no avail.... I'm sorry to ask a question that has been probably asked numerous times before....
I am creating a route that will extend through quite a few boards. Currently I am building just the industries on one or two boards. My question is, when the time comes to stich (merge) together the industry boards and the "filler" boards, how can I match terrain height and shape to make it look like one continuous terrain? All those routes I've seen created by you all are just obvious mismatches created when the edges of the two boards are joined.
Thank you Sooo much for your time!:confused:
If the two board's elevations have not been modified, than they will merge seamlessly. If they both have had the same uniform elevation change, they will merge seamlessly. It's when the elevations have been modified as a continuous variable, like from DEM data that the merge will take some work to smooth the joint. One long standing issue is that you can't make a global elevation change. So if two boards, both with modified ground elevations have different absolute elevations, you can't just lower or raise one to make the match easier to smooth. Thus a little advance planning if you are making a large map in small sections. Also make sure you know which way is north when building a map. Boards can't be rotated either.
Thank you for your reply. My map will change elevations and scenery types. If for instance I have a yard with differing elevation in the back section of the grid, (for instance, a hilly section or foothills to a mountain range) how can I merge seamlessly the grid directly behind it? Or do I make entire map flat and adjust as necessary. I intend to go from mountains to Sea and evergreen forests to sandy beach. like most route designers I supose.
Place the next board before you elevate the ground near the edges of the last board. I always have a blank board around the area I work on, then if they are not needed they can be deleted. It is harder to elevate the edges of the board first and then try and add a board to match later. Sometimes a backdrop can be placed so it looks like a range of mountains from each side.
If it doesn't match, you could consider redoing the landscape and copy-paste the textures and scenery over it from the merged baseboards and then delete them.
Or do I make entire map flat and adjust as necessary. I intend to go from mountains to Sea and evergreen forests to sandy beach. like most route designers I suppose.

You should decide the height at the seam before you start, and then build each board to that height. You would not be able to get an exact match along the whole seam, but if you kept the edge of each board to the approximate height that you determined for that seam, then the adjustments would be small.