

gettin bored of trainz
hello guys if you go to this website they got NYC trains i noticed a R62 by magiclind.the one where it shows thw #1 train.its a R62.i know theres on by jeffmoris but its not that greatly explain better it the 3rd picture .if you now anything about this PLS post a replay.:p
umm well its been quiet a few time.are you sure? just holding that until you to release it.could UMM pls send me a link to it PLS dude.ill be very statisfied.i live near the could be nice if you could sent it to me.PLS.
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I would also be very well find if the R62 train for Trainz Releast. I just build that the line 1 of the NYCTA, and that the train would be very important.


As I am getting it, you built the 1 line and you need the R62. If that's right:
(1) You should release it, to let us view your (I'm sure) beautiful work.:D
(2)For now since Magicland isn't releasing the R62, use the R33, it worked well with my fictional route.
And, if you don't want to release it, you could show us some pictures of the route if you want.:)
You mean the R62 is upload pending? This is good news. Now if you could only upload those viewliners you have!

Isaac Grove
I saw that you uploaded the World Trade Center in the DLS a couple of days ago, so I downloaded it, it's nice and big... very big.:) However it looks real good and detailed. Keep up the very good work Magicland.
If I was really dedicated, i'd combine previous routes to make a whle New York City. Five boroughs, subways, and amtrak! Unfortunately, my computer crashed and burned.