lumber Mll Problem?


Well-known member
The lumber mill that saws logs and produces lumber hjas a new issue. The are two "working" tracks labeled Lumber Mill 1 and Lumber Mill 2 . However, now BOTH are lumber Mill1. Worked ok yesterday.. Loaded the other lumber mill that produces lumber and BTH are labeled the SAME.

Loaded on new baseboard and same result. I did no sorting overnight. Couls someone check to see if there are different labels on the Log versus the Lumber tracks.
KUID 25:630 Name is "Lumber Mill".
Also, if you change the name of one track the other track assumes the same name.
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The correct name is Lumber Mill Basic.
and it works perfectly, as i have just tried it on a new map.

when in driver , you have 3 options

1.drop off logs.
2.pick up lumber.
3.pick up woodchips.

The tracks are not named, do not know where you get that idea from.?

What are you trying to do.?
As WestSideRailways point out above, you don't name the tracks.

In Driver you select the Driver Command Navigate To or Drive To, enter the Name of the destination industry (Lumber Mill 1 or whatever you have called it) then select the Platform. In this case there are 3 "platforms" to choose from as listed in the post above.
You can't rename the tracks of the Lumber Mill <kuid:-25:630>. You are probably renaming the industry itself, which changes the labels at the 3 loding/unloading positions (WOODCHIPS LOADING, LUMBER LOADING and LOG DELIVERIES) to include the name of the industry.
@pware The signs at the loading/unloading positions are changed to show the name of the industry. The names of the tracks (platforms) used by the driver commands are unchanged.

There are two sets of tracks for the functions Lumber and Logs. Each must have an individual name for the two sets of tracks. One loads a consist with lumber and the other receives lumber. The track name( in the instruction) determines the load or unload function.. Each will have its own name for directing the incoming train to the proper activity. The problem is if I name either track the other assume the same name! I tried everything I could think of but, it always happens. ???
You can change the name of the Lumber Mill.

In Sessions driver setup , you tell the driver to drive/navigate to the lumber mill
then you tell the driver what to set down or pick up
These are fixed names ans can not be changed.

THE USER CAN NOT CHANGE THE NAMES OF the pick up/drop down areas.
I have tried all of the suggestions, plus others, to no avail. I just need one or two industries running to make me route have a semblance of reality. Looks like logging in Maine (big industry there) is not one of those, Thanks to everyone for their help. I now suspect that something data element is changed. Since lumbering is a major part of Maines commercial activity, I need another way to tackle the illusion of commercial activity in another way and assume that "someone made the boards".

Maybe I will import bauxite and produce aluminum for New York City, delivered by rail.

I am guessing that there is data corruption in either the instruction set or the data. I had a "heat event" while texturing and that possibly left a trail. .

SO, THANKS to all!!
Yep, I have replaced the full featured model with the Basic model and the results are the same - unable to define a specific ID to the Lumber Tracks and Logs Tracks that allows the AI driver to make a logical selection. Since it works for others it must be my copy has become corrupted. Worked one day and not the next with no intervention by me.
No longer an issue. Will develop another strategy to deal with "logs to lumber." or just do a different industry and pretend that a blight wiped out the trees.
Are you using the TLR or Auto dispatcher?
I discovered that the original file needs to be updated for the AI…
- the driver commands “drive to” and “navigate to” still allow the correct loading sites

“Correct, the industry assets in question will need new script support for this to function. As a temporary measure for the early versions, we've "hard coded" this behaviour for a few builtin assets (Coal Mine Basic, Lumber Mill Basic and Oil Refinery Basic) but the preference is to add the support into the assets themselves. As the feature is new it will probably take a while for DLS assets to be updated by their creators.

All single track industries should function fine, as there's no ambiguity about where to deliver the product, but unfortunately (as the behaviour is implemented in script) the Living Railroad code has no way to determine where to send the cars.

The good news is that it's relatively simple to support. For scripters, have a look in, where you will find a new variant of AppendDriverDestinations() with a few new parameters, and/or check out the new function on the wiki:

Terry Palmer
N3V Games”
No, using the old manual approach. I make it and drive it.
Thanks for your interest. Looks like you are progressing well in the TLR area.
Great idea but a major challenge with legacy items as old code is "disturbed"..
I used Lumber Mill Basic,1. There is no way to define Lumber and Logs here, nor is there a need to. You specify load or unload when you create the operational instructions and specify LOAD or UNLOAD in those instructions. Simple and foolproof.

I have tried none of the other variations of the instruction.