Low Fule ?


Acount Deleted
Hay All I'm was thinking can you run out of fule in TS2006 if so what happens ? :confused:

I just had to ask just got woreing
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You're in luck, none of the locomotives made for any Trainz version consume "fule". A few are scripted to consume fuel, however.
Hay gay's I'm was thinking can you run out of fule in TS2006 if so what happens ? :confused:

I just had to ask just got woreing

This is an embarrassment to the Canadian school system. Please use spell checker. I do because I can't spell either.:hehe:
This is an embarrassment to the Canadian school system. Please use spell checker.
(1)But a spellchecker doesn't assist with grammar. I prefer to use a dictionary if available.

I'm not going to directly reply to the thread starter for (unless he changes, or deletes a word), but I wonder what would happen if certain people experimented!

PS: D/Redundicus, the word "gay" should mean what it use to mean, ie: happy

1. I'll fix any mistakes up later - got to do something first.
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I just wonder if he is from Quebec and speaks French as his first language. English may be his second language, so I recommend not being to quick to judge. :)


Point taken AJ Fox, but surely the only way to find out what happens is for him too. . .

EDIT-1: Oh forget about correcting any mistakes in other post!

EDIT-2: Hmmm, I never knew their was a spellchecker on this board - I only found out after I tested the "buttons" I didn't noticed before!
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Point taken AJ Fox, but surely the only way to find out what happens is for him too. . .

EDIT-1: Oh forget about correcting any mistakes in other post!

EDIT-2: Hmmm, I never knew their was a spellchecker on this board - I only found out after I tested the "buttons" I didn't noticed before!

(bold mine)
Sorry to have to say it, but the words "pot" and "kettle" come to mind...

The correct grammar side of ... oh, wait, that's Alberte's saying!:hehe:
MMM may be I'd went too far.....I'll try This, Sorry...

Can Trains run out of fule on the Trainz sims ( All Sim ) ?

Why is there refule stops for if can't use them ?

My key bored is crap and I keep hiting the rong keys..and I have not ben feel well Sorry for the bad spelling.
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Hi, a locomotive has to be build and configured to use fuel, most/some locomotives for TRS are not configured this way. Hence these will not work (take on fuel) at fuel stops. If a locomotive is configured to use fuel and runs out of it, it simply would stop operating.

If you hit the wrong key when typing, would it not be easier to read what you type BEFORE posting it? :o

Just trying to help :wave:


Some diesel trains, such as the trains from World Of Trianz, are scripted to use fuel. Fuel can be replenished at a diesel refuelling depot (not sure if that is the exact name), as well as locomotive sand. however, most diesel trains are not scripted to use fuel. Most Steam locomotives will use coal and water, and can be replenished at a steam filling station.