Looking for Oklahoma!


Active member
Sorry to be a bother again, but I'm looking for something big this time.
I'm looking for the South Kansas & Oklahoma line between Tulsa and Bartlesville, in Oklahoma.
I don't find anything on the DLS, so I was hoping someone who had mastered DEM/HOG or MapMaker could knock out the baseboards for me. I would be very grateful.
Points of interest I'm looking for are BNSF's Tulsa yard south of the river, the Owasso seaport (yes, there is one in Oklahoma), the industrial line west of Owasso and the turning wye in Bartlesville.
This site - http://www.watcocompanies.com/Railroads/sekr_skol/sekr_skol.htm - has more info on the company, and a link to a map of the system.
I'm hoping someone can help me. My options, otherwise, currently consist of downloading relief maps and hand building the hills.
Thank you for your attention.

:cool: Claude
There seems to be no interest in east Oklahoma shortlines today (Big sigh) so I'll bounce this up to the top once to see if anyone else takes an interest, then let the thread die an unlamented death.

:cool: Claude
G'day Tokkyu40,

My apologies for the late response, I missed this post on it's original posting (it came up during a search for something totally unrelated). With regard to your proposed route, have you checked out the stuff that is available from fellow terrainzer - 'fishlipsatwork'? He has a large amount of Trainz ready DEM based maps of US origin - you may find your desire there...


[SIZE=-1] Jerker {:)}
Thanks for the link. The site is under constructiuon now, but if I keep checking back, I might catch it open.:D

:cool: Claude
thats as much as it ever is, fishlips has left the trainz comunity (at last i heard) if you click "Hog Textures" -- errmmm ok well there used to be a long listing of different HOG routes there.

Since it's been a while and there are a lot of neat lines in the Eastern Oklahoma area, I though tmaybe a revision might be in order? I would also be interested in any western Missourri and Eastern kansas lines if anyone had them, especially the old MKT and ATSF routes.