Looking for a trigger to change a signal


I'm running a double track (each way) with a slow line (A) and fast line (B):

B starts off as a single track then changes to a double track where A is the slow line and B is the fast line, they then at some distance merge back into a single track.

What I would like to do is, if A has a local train running, and then B has an Express that enters the "double track" section, I would like the express to get a green signal where the track merges back to a single, even if the local train is ahead of the express.

Does that make sense?

Is there some sort of trigger that can be linked to the signal that the express can run over to change the signal to green, then once past the signal, revert the signal back to normal operation?

Using TANE 78667


Steve aka simtrain
As far as I am aware signals look after themselves.
You must have another problem with
- their position
- junction(s) under control of another consist
You can always set the priority for your express train to be priority 1 and the local to be priority 3 then use the priority markers, the purple markers, and the train with the higher priority will take control of the track, I would think, over the local.

Works for me to stop trains running through a loop instead of sticking to the main line, signals are bit slow to catch on though and don't change until nearly on top of them.
Hi all,
I àm using priority markers, which sends my local train down the slow track and the express on the fast.line that works perfect
If I just let the trains run, the signal works fine and let's the first train to it through.

What I want is the local train to be stopped by the signal, and the express to overtake. (It's part.of.the scenario)
Isn't there a trigger with a "Wait Until..." command somewhere? You could use something like that to hold the train on the Slow line until the express has passed.

Hi all,
I àm using priority markers, which sends my local train down the slow track and the express on the fast.line that works perfect
If I just let the trains run, the signal works fine and let's the first train to it through.

What I want is the local train to be stopped by the signal, and the express to overtake. (It's part.of.the scenario)
I think you should look into using triggers. Have the local train stop at a track mark and the express trigger it to start again, not exactly sure of the details. Or you can use messages.

Use a driver command for the express that will set the direction of the junction against the local train. You will need to ensure that the junction is set before the local train tries to access it. After the express has passed the junction, release control of it with a second driver command for that purpose and the local will proceed when the signal clears for it.

If you have the Potteries Loop Line payware route you will have the driver command "Control Junction 3" which will allow the express to set the junction direction and keep control of it until the express clears it. It will then automatically release control of the junction. If you don't have the route (which is great by the way but doesn't yet work in T:ANE), you can download the Shedmaster package free from their website


This contains "Control Junction 3" and other useful driver commands and rules. You will also find PDF doccumentation on the website which covers some usage for the commands and rules.


Hi simtrain
This how I do it
1 trigger check rule
2 setsignal rule to red

3 trigger check rule
4 setsignal rule to automatic

That his it

I'm using a schedule for the AI - mainly because I have four local trains all doing the same schedule at different times and you can't put anything in the schedule beside destination, would love to be able to do the schedule the same as you programme a portal train.
Hi simtrain
You put the rules in edit session rules
1 drive setup
2 driver command
3 quickdrive2
4 trigger check
--------- Set signalrule
5 trigger check
--------- Set signalrule
6 schedule libery

You put the triggers on the track
Not in the schedule
You could use trigger multiple signals rule. Name the signal on the slow track and place named triggers on the express track, one near the entry point to the double track and set a large radius. When the express enters the trigger radius it will set the signal to red on the slow track until the express clears all the named triggers.
Hi All,

First off thanks for all the replies. I went with Tramps solution, though it meant that I couldn't use priority markers, as the slow train (priority 2) ignored the priority marker and went down the fast track (priority 1).

I was trying to avoid having to put extra commands in the driver command bit (drive via marker) as I have loads already in there!

At least I have a solution:D

Once again Thank you all for the replies.

Steve aka simtrain