Looking for a Rotary Snow Plow


RR Mod Maker
I understand that a user named Jake made a Rotary snow plow for UTC version of Trainz, i am seeking a rotary standard Guage plow that will work on 2004 version, can retexture to meet needs but need the working model if possible. Does anyone know of that original one by jake. i didnt see any resources under that name and only a NG conversion of it ...any ideas very welcome.
Thank you both< Meow can you tell me if yours any of them are as old as 2006 or 2004? i need one that will work in version 2.4 if possible.
Thank you both< Meow can you tell me if yours any of them are as old as 2006 or 2004? i need one that will work in version 2.4 if possible.

If they don't then you can always clone, drop the version number back to 2.4 you may need to switch the script.

Cheerio John
There haven't been many Rotary's made. Doing convincing Snow in Surveyor is a pain at the best of times, and doubly so to do a convincing Rotary Plow operation. In MSTS the ones the 3DTS made for their Donner Pass route were top notch and made use of the Particles in that game engine to great effect. Trainz otoh doesn't have the flexibility in its Particle Emitters (From what I've seen) to accomplish that kind of visual effect (At least not up through TS12. T:ANE might change this). I have seen at least one smoke emitting Rotary Plow done, and I was less then impressed with the effect. Kind of like a Plow with Down Syndrome blowing Cumulus Clouds.....

Yes, this makes it look bad, and, the problem is that the plow can't be moved when it isn't going thru snow because the snow (smoke) comes out.
A thomas and friends snowplow that was kinda lost in time did the same thing. It doesn't look right, but I guess we can't complain.