I know a guy that buys PC's from people, and cleans them out data wise, installs a new OS, and re-sells them in that range ... none of them have a video card, and all either have an onboard chip, or are integrated graphics ... which will not run 09, 10, 12, let alone T:ANE
A $200 PC is only good for general computing, and playing other video games, and will not run Trainz ... unless it is 04, 06 ... and will get very hot, and performance sliders will have to be set near minimum
You have to save up some more money ... in the $1000 to $2000 range to run Trainz ... Even a $750 PC is very iff'y
Very few BigBox store PC's will run Trainz (BestBuy, Staples, Office Depot, Sears, KMart, Walmart, QVC, Home Shopping Network ... etc ...) they all sell pure junk !
Almost all low end laptops will not run Trainz at all
An HP DV7 for $1200 will fry itself temperature wise