Looking for a K-37


New member
Hey everybody! If this isn't where it is supposed to be, I'm sorry. Still trying to figure out what goes where so bare with me. But I wanted to know, is there anywhere you can get a D&RGW K-37 for TRS2006? I know Prowler has one on his site, but it doesn't work quite right because it's an older version. And it's a pity because I love his work. But is there anywhere they have a working one?
Hey everybody! If this isn't where it is supposed to be, I'm sorry. Still trying to figure out what goes where so bare with me. But I wanted to know, is there anywhere you can get a D&RGW K-37 for TRS2006? I know Prowler has one on his site, but it doesn't work quite right because it's an older version. And it's a pity because I love his work. But is there anywhere they have a working one?

What's the problem with it? If it's missing a .bmp or .tga texture, I can help you.
Hey everybody! If this isn't where it is supposed to be, I'm sorry. Still trying to figure out what goes where so bare with me. But I wanted to know, is there anywhere you can get a D&RGW K-37 for TRS2006? I know Prowler has one on his site, but it doesn't work quite right because it's an older version. And it's a pity because I love his work. But is there anywhere they have a working one?

IIRC, I thought all of Prowler's old stuff was specifically built for TRS'04/06? I don't remember having any issues with any of his stuff once it was all Downloaded into '06, though its been years since I've looked at it. Make sure you have all the Dependencies downloaded and installed. Also, I'd suggest registering your copy of Trainz so we know which copy you have. If you're trying to load his stuff into TS12 or newer for instance, I can pretty much guarantee it won't work. As I recall the Mesh's would need some serious updating to be loaded into anything newer then TS'09 or so.

URL for Prowler's work if anyone wants to have a look, or a memory, lol:

Good Luck,
Togog made one tho I think its for TS2009.


Yes Togog is the only one TTBOMK that has been actively making new NG Stuff.

Slugsmasher made a reappearance something like a Year ago and made a couple of updates on his page about that Logging road he was working on before disappearing again.... Sigh. I think he updated his Shay at least before he dropped off the face of the planet again though.

Anyone know whatever happened to Prowler anyway? His models were outstanding.

Not to stray too far off-topic....
When you have it around train cars, it gets deformed. It looks like parts have been dented or it melted or something. Just wondering if you could fix it, or if there were more. Would like to have all 10.

You can always reskin Prowler's engines to all 10. It is not really all that painful. I reskined all 10 and added some features onto them. Unfortunately, Prowler is not active anymore so I cannot get permission to distribute them along with some of his other content that I made some changes to.

Also, you might want to register whatever version of Trainz you are using. There are some people here who grumble when people are not registered....
Okay! How do you reskin. And I thought I did! I put the serial # in and it said it was good. I'll look and see. Sorry bout that guys.