Looking for 2 of the terrain maps that Fishlipsatwork had


New member
I'm Looking for 2 terrain maps, used to be at fishlips.net but that is gone. Would like to find the Route Soldiers Summit and Salt Lake . Those 2 maps work together with little work. I am working on a route from Denver Co. to Salt Lake.

Thanks :confused:
I had those maps before and they merge with a slight off set just up hill from Spanish Forks. hopefully someone has the CDP of them. With what I have now I could then complete a route from Denver to Salt Lake thru Moffat Tunnel

Thanks for the reply
The problem with the old HOG maps is their inaccuracy in part due to the lower resolution maps and also due to the use of TIGER map overlays, which aren't exactly accurate. With TIGER maps, they can be off many meters, even tens of meters in any direction, which will put tracks in rivers, over hills, and so on.

The alternative is to use TransDEM which costs about $30.00 for a new version, and about $9.99 if you are upgrading. You can then use Historical topographic maps and place those directly on proper USGS DEM data. I highly recommend this for the type of project you are doing as this is also a 64-bit program which can handle the large slices of data now available on the USGS map server.

There's a bit of a learning curve, but you don't need to use everything. I've gotten to a point where I can create a Trainz-importable route ready for editing in about 15 minutes once I get my data downloaded and trimmed out.

Thanks I sent a message we will see

Would be nice to have a set from Denver to Salt Lake. That is a total of 5 maps.

Thanks again
They are all on wayback machine, the link John gave is not quite correct. Simply add /trainz to the link and they will show up on a directory tree.