London Euston to Watford Junction (High Speed Semi-Fictional) - Newbie!

Looks great, i am 12, have been looking for a london route for trainz for ages :p Can't wait untill its released!!!!:)
First section released

Thanks for all the positive comments, much appreciated. I have released the first section of the route only - my London Euston station, to as far as South Hampstead station (just beyond the most recent screenshots above). I have sent it off to the DLS, but obviously have to wait for approval. The kuid is <kuid:298782:1013> I think! This will be 'version 1' of many.

I'm happy for you to merge this onto your own route, or to modify it in any way, but would like to be asked first if you're going to redistribute it. Thanks.

EDIT: Now on DLS here.
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Help Plaese

I have downloaded and installed the route, but when i go to open it in surveyor i get:

"Error-No map selected
You attepted to start surveyor or driver without having a map selected
return to the menu and select a new map"

Can you tell me what if there is something else i was supposed to do please. i'm pretty new to all this stuff.


Andrew (12)
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Version 2 progress

Incidentally, I'm currently working on 'version 2', which will either be the full route to Watford (with fairly minimal scenery so not to kill my computer), or another 'part' but I haven't got to an obvious cutting-off point yet. I'm also improving London Euston station, with better track and using more of AJS's templates (but not active stations yet, as I'm still struggling to get the trains to stop in the correct place), so version 2 will also include that.

I doubt very much I'll get to re-lay all the trackwork, although I'd love to do it in order to use a better-looking track and get the gauge correct - but this would mean re-laying the entire route (plus re-aligning the catenary) and I just won't have time or the patience! I'll post some more screenshots as each bit gets closer to finished.

As much as I'd like to get v2 out as soon as possible, I would guess it'll be more like Easter before I get anything satisfactory to put on DLS.

Thanks for your support.
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Hello paul, you mention that you are using an improved track for your latest version,.....which track are you going to use ? the original looks good to me......regards
The next part is surprisingly near completion, although still a little way off. Here are a few shots of work-in-progress: -





Another broken-down Pendolino! (joke!)



More to follow soon.

P.S. to Oldie - I've decided not to change the main tracks, but have replaced the 'local' lines with 3rd-rail and 4th-rail for the Underground.
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Route finished!

Full route just sent to DLS.

Route: <kuid:298782:1029>
Template Session: <kuid:298782:1028>

More info, see this post.

Thanks for all your support!
(Continued from previous post).

Now I'm going to miss quite a bit of the route as it's not textured yet. The line follows the former alignment through several stations serving the towns and villages along the route. Eventually, we arrive at Cambridge:

Joining the mainline from Ely at Chesterton Junction, with a new service depot in the background to serve the branch.

Our train crosses the River Cam, heading towards Cambridge.

I've included a new imaginary station here at Newmarket Road, letting passengers off for the north of the city.

Approaching Cambridge station.

Arriving at Cambridge. Those of you who know it, Cambridge is really a single platform with north and south bays, as illustrated here by the right-hand part of the station (with a lot of artistic licence for the buildings and canopies). To increase capacity for the branch, I've built a new platform to the left, on the site of former passing loops and the old yard (represented by the derelict tracks to the far left).

One of the peculiarities of having only one through platform is this crossover mid-platform, allowing trains to serve both directions at the same time. (You can't really see the crossover here, just the signals). Hence, our train isn't passing through without stopping, it's about to cross into 'Platform 1' which is ahead on the right-hand side.

Finally, our train arrived at Cambridge.

More shots to follow in the future.
Where did you get that First Capital Connect Class 313?
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Where did you get that First Capital Connect Class 313?
My first response was "on DLS" but having just quickly searched for "Class 313", "First" and "FCC", it's not there. If you're after just a 313, search "Class 313" including the earlier game versions in your search, but I'm afraid I don't know about the FCC livery. It's possible it came from somewhere else. Sorry.

Incidentally, would you mind editing your post to remove the screenshots from the quoted section, as I've made a new post about the Cambridge stuff, so this no longer really belongs here. (My fault for posting it here in the first place, I know).
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Hi paul
Great screenshots,as a very regular user of this line used to live just outside watford ,and I can tell you that the underground used to terminate at watford,so if you wanted to you could do the same, also there was also a train that ran to broad street(thats near Liverpool street station as well, dont know if you would like to include that as well,
thought your harrow and wealdstone was very Impressive, there is also a
fast link line to Watford Junction,calls at harrow then watford journey time
was something like twentyfive minutes if I remember right,thats about
eighteen minutes from euston to harrow,then about six minutes to
Watford,it then went on to St Albans I think but am not sure,
bye the bye if you are interested ther is also a little branc line that rubs from watford to St Albans goes through a little station called Bricket wood.
If you would like to kno any more let me know.

Hi, This is a great looking route. I also take this route (from Harrow and Wealdstone to Euston) on a daily basis. Although I am a newbie to Trainz, I will see if i can help add any extra detail! (once my first class ticket is available!)
Hi. I just downloded your route, and it's awsome! With the Pendolinos and Voyagers, it makes the line really good. I am hoping to join it on to custom route, which is still under construction, to make one huge route. Overall, it's amazing!
My first response was "on DLS" but having just quickly searched for "Class 313", "First" and "FCC", it's not there. If you're after just a 313, search "Class 313" including the earlier game versions in your search, but I'm afraid I don't know about the FCC livery. It's possible it came from somewhere else. Sorry.

Incidentally, would you mind editing your post to remove the screenshots from the quoted section, as I've made a new post about the Cambridge stuff, so this no longer really belongs here. (My fault for posting it here in the first place, I know).

The first capital connect train is avalible on DLS , search FCC and download the dependencies for it.
Virgin Pendolino

In post #34 on Page 3 of this thread, a link was given to another thread showing the whereabouts of a freeware Virgin Railways pendolino. A link in that thread referred readers to, a link which I think has since expired. Can anybody renew the link, or point me in the right direction towards where it may be?:o

Thankyou for any assistance, and Happy Trainzing!;)