load, unload


New member
I have downloaded Ghan and Indian Pacific consists into TRS2004.
Is it possible to enable these and other pass. cars to load and unload passengers at pass. enabled stations.
I would be grateful for any help.
To load passengers into a car requires that the mesh file for the car have attachment points. These will be identified in the cars config.txt file. So, if your cars don't have these attachment points you can't load passengers in them.

Rolling stock items which can load and unload products, including carriages which can load and unload passengers, are indicated by an "IND" icon with a green tick in Surveyor ("IND" for "Industry").

There are other industry systems with other icons, but "IND" is the main one.

Hi mugwump,

If you are using TRS2004 trainzobjectz has a function to enable a car to load invisible passengers. If you are using TRS2006 you can load invisible passengers by modifying the config file.
