Lift Bridge


Hey guys

so i'm working on a prototypical route, i started today and i got to the point where there is a lift bridge on the line. Now the lift bridge looks like this

does anybody have any idea where i could find a bridge similar enough to the one in the picture?

I remember there was a black 2 track lift bridge similar to the one in the picture from Trainz but i cannot find it all, and i dont even know who made it.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
Hi Andre, I can't recall specifically if he ever made this very bridge, but look up user "bendorsey" on the DLS, our friendly Trainz bridge master. If you ask him nicely he might even build you a specific bridge.
I've made a number of bridges like that (vertical lift bridge). Most are named by location or the railroad they are on so I can't easily point you to them. However the most important criteria is how many tracks? I don't remember making any with more then two tracks (though I might have). I'd suggest you slog your way through my items (all 5500 or so of them) and be sure to check the 2004 box. Most were made for 2004 but will very easily convert to newer versions all the way up to TS2012/SP1/HF4. Pretty much all that's necessary other then upping the version number is to either delete the category-region and category-era lines or change them to the newer format.

Hi Andres,

There are two available made by Vulcan, 60238:38133 is brown and 60238:38135 is grey, they are both for Trainz TRS2004 so tick the 2004 box when searching.

The brown one is dual track and the grey one is single track.

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You might be thinkin about the Austin lift bridge I believe its called or do a search in CMP for SAP who re did that bridge...
Is there to animated lift bridges like Chicago and their barriers (ATLS using if possible) ?
Thank you for your lift bridges Chicago, bendorsey ! In fact any suggestions, I do not know if it is possible to add sounds that warns that the bridge will open and close and to add barriers/signal consistent with ATLS (and they are not required to be LC mode). Keep it up!
Your welcome.

I don't run Trainz to run trains so I haven't the slightest idea how to add warning horns and all that but I'm sure there are folks on forums who do so keep asking.

It work, I used ATLS and Grade Xing NRC. Suggestion : On the other hand, the road that you used by defect (DummyRoad) is always visible at the moment that the bridge is raised. Can one replace it by InvisibleRoad and how ? Thanks !
Search on DLS :
Author : bendorsey
And for Chicago' lift bridge
Keywords : Chicago Canal Bridge
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