lol. I will still post and stuff, I mean I cant play CoD4 every second. Oh, and gandalf-when you get the game DO NOT go on super easy mode. Btw, do you ever do online CoD3 (4 when you get it) PM or email me.
PS. When I get tired of PS3 or run out of game funds, ill probably have a new (Crappy) but new laptop that im going to start learnoing C++ on.
PPS. If anyone from Internats that still cares (LOL i know i should have been busier before i got into FPSs and other PS3 stuff.) Hand tight, in my spare time for this, ill also learn more bout adobe, so our content sharing can be alot more efficient. Like maybe ill give members special website accounts where they can upload content and it will appear. I dont know, we'll see how it goes.