After some experimenting, the problem seems to be file names with name A and they are named B. Some changes to fix this.
CN 9906 - clone file, "e7 cn 9906.texture.txt" and change name of clone to, "e7 cn 9905.texture.txt" you need both files
SAL 3041 - mesh is named, "e7 sal" should be "e7 sal" so config file sees it
NYC 4014a - change name of, "e7 nyc 4014a.texture.txt" to, "e7nyc1.texture.txt" same as 4007
NYC 4014b - I haven't figured it out yet, it has to be an improperly named .TEXTURE.TXT file. I tried the name of every other B-Units' .TEXTURE.TXT file but they don't work, also tried some others I thought of but no show. Only fix I could think of involves copying a different B-Unit mesh over, renaming it so the config file can find it and renaming the main .TEXTURE.TXT files but you have to make sure they are compatible B-Units in details (couldn't use PRR for example). You could copy "e7 sp" into the body folder of NYC 4014B and rename it to "e7 nyc" (I change the original to "e7 nyc" but you could delete it). You then have to rename the .TEXTURE.TXT for the body to the one you copied the mesh from, in this case "e7 nyc 4014b.texture.txt" becomes "e7 sp 5900b.texture.txt". Noted NYC 4014B was missing 5 files other B-units had so I copied these in too.