Kuji Rail sim release date Friday 5th October 2007


New member

We can now confirm that the official European release date of Rail Simulator is marked as:

Friday 5th October 2007

Online retail sites and stores are currently being filtered this date, so you will soon be able to check your favourite outlet* to pre-order a copy.

Information on the US Release of Rail Simulator will be available at a later date.


Rail Simulator Team

Hi all,

Neither can I, but I guess I have to seeing October is a couple of months away...
And, then hunting down a place to buy it, wait for it to arrive, find place on the computer - and then I can check it out. ;)

Will be a better fall this year, if not only because I get a new potential great toy to play with!

Till then, Trainz still rules for me. :)

Best wishes all

wasnt too exicted earlier about this as it has no US content but now that i have visited England i am VERY exicted about this as the Paddington to Oxofrd route is featured and i rode this line many times since i stayed in Oxford for the trip.:D
looking forward to flying down the Great Western main line in a HST(it better have a Valenta soundpack):D
edit: new movie: http://www.railsimulator.com/en/movie_teaser01.htm
London Paddington looks absolutly stunning!
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wasnt too exicted earlier about this as it has no US content

It's still unclear as to how US content will be included, but according to the posts from KUJU that I've read over on train-sim.com, there is at least one US route planned. I believe it's been confirmed that it will be a UP route, presumably with some built-in UP content.
I'm not sure however if this will all be included in the release mentioned above, or if there will be a second "US Version" released later. KUJU hasn't said much about that so far.

I think the game looks pretty good too, and if I get a computer system that can handle it, I might check it out. The big draw-back so far is what I've heard about the industrial system. While the game does have one, the basic descriptions I've heard make it sound very basic, and nowhere near as good as what we've currently got with the LARS stuff (or even the built-in system from Auran). I guess that might change once content creators get a hold of it.

already got the pre-order standing so i'm patiently awaiting this game, i'm definatly looking forward to this game. As for industry and content, there is already a lot of content in the making as some content builders received tool packs to do so :)
As for industry and content, there is already a lot of content in the making as some content builders received tool packs to do so :)

Really.... and there's not lots of people whinging about some people having preferential treatment?... how odd :confused:
Hmmm, lucky my birthday is on the 15th? :P
Looking into buying, hopefully it won't stop me from finishing that VR content I was working on...
This simulator sure looks interesting and I've been following it quite some time already, but it has absolutely no groundbraking new stunning features that would make me dump Trainz.
It's basically the same, only exception being is that the sound will actually work the way it should (telling by the movie) and somewhat improved graphics.
The other positive / negative features like scripting, editor, physics, industry interactivity will be covered by me as soon as I installed it, because there has been no official wording from Kuju regarding that.

Probably I will end up running it additionally to Trainz, but not as a replacement.

I am going to preorder 2 copys. One is for me, the other one will make a good christmas present for my little cousin :).

I think an interesting question might be copy protection. EA have a habit of demanding the CD/DVD be in the Drive. Also I expect a "new" improved version out every year and more payware style cds, etc.

I think it will take a few years to catch up to the diversity of Trainz content and I suspect the graphics engine will be about as demanding on the PC as Auran's.

An interesting comment from the wife on Trainz as I had it running last night, "it actually looks quite real" now that at a none technical level is quite an achievement.

Cheerio John
They haven't released the specs yet but it's compatible with both XP and Vista.

Why is a thread about a simulator in Prototype Talk? :confused:

Not sure if this thread could have been posted anywere else????

Would be real suprised if the system specs needed would be any lower than this

Processor: Intel P4 2.0 GHz or AMD Athlon XP 2400+

RAM: Windows XP SP2 (512MB), WIndows Vista (512MB)
Video Card: 128 MB 3D Graphics card (Nividia 7xxx or above) with Vertex and Pixel Shader (VS/PS) Capability

Drive: CD-ROM drive
I think it will take a few years to catch up to the diversity of Trainz content.


Many many years to catch up, I'm afraid.

The last video shown up was really disappointing and under-quality by the Trainzy 3rd party Content standards. IMHO, it looks as if someone picked up some pics and stuck them onto a depthless background. Let's wait and see.


Alberte :)