Kristados Branch-WIP


Hey where'd the train go?
Hey guys,
My first-ever to-be-released route is going to be a small branchline called the Kristados Branch (If you didn't notice already, think James Bond ;) ).
Currently the route is about 10-15% complete, and I will be adding pictures as soon as i find out how to upload them :p.
It will most likely be hosted on the DLS, unless someone would like to step forward and host it on their website, which would be greatly appreciated.
All dependencies will be on the download station. Thanks for reading, and feel free to give your opinion!

To host pictures here, you upload the picture elsewhere online(some use Hostthenpost, Imgur or Photobucket. I use DeviantART's Then you hit the "Insert Image" button and paste the hyperlink of your now-uploaded picture in the text space. Looking forward to seeing shots of the route.:)