Just saying hi


New member
HELLO all just wanted to come and say hi im a little new to the TRAINZ forum i found out about the site a year or so ago i had just got into TRAINZ i had been a long time player of MSTS for a long time but had started getting into TRAINZ playing on my macbook using bootcamp but due to a hard drive failure i lost everything but now i have everything back up and running with a new mac and trying to get everything i lost back . i am still very new to the game im not a train designer ,painter, etc but i wouldnt mind learning i just enjoy running trains on my routes i play around with outside of the game ive been riding train since i was very little i hope one day to make it to france and ride the TGV if i can get the guts to get in the plane lol well i wont bore any one you any longer i haope to talk with some of you soon sorry im new i hope to change that soon lol

Welcome to the Trainz forum. If you ever have a question or problem, regarding Trainz in anyway, then come to the forums. We are a strong community and will help out each other in any way that we can.

Welcome to the community

as LGBMATT said if you need help with anything put up a thread and we will do the best we can to help :)

Have Fun and Happy Trainzing
thank you very much i just want to try to find some fun trains to drive i was really looking for a metrolink or coaster or caltrain if anyone has one i would be very greatful
mm i dont know why i cant out my messenger up on the side of my profile but if anyone wants to message me here are my ID's

AIM xiro33
YAHOO zero_one92376
xiro33 ,

Welcome to the Forum , and any questions you have will be answered by a multitude of members .

And in closing , some punctuation , and the lack of using text messaging will help you in receiving help !

My thoughts ---,DLR
Yes, welcome to the forum and I'm sure you'll find a lot of helpful members here. I'd have to second the comments by deeelare. If you ever have any questions that you want answered, properly constructed sentences will go a long way in helping us understand whatever problem it is that you're having.
Have fun.
thank you very much i just want to try to find some fun trains to drive i was really looking for a metrolink or coaster or caltrain if anyone has one i would be very greatful

Currently there is none. However a couple have been started but never finished.

Welcome aboard!

Anytime you have some questions you want ask and/or if you have a problem ask any of us on the forum and we will try to help in anyway we can,have fun and good luck!:cool: