I Decided to go for the 9600gt cards as well as the cards I upgraded the ram & psu.
Thanks for all the info in the other threads regarding upgrades
New PC Specs in red
Box :Antec p180 & true control 500w p/s New PSU 800w
Processor: AMD Athlon 6400 X2 Dual Core
Motherboard: AN9 32X series 3.00 gigahertz
Memory: 2GB 800Mzh duel channel 4gb 800mzh
Graphics: Xpertvision 7800GT (2x in SLI mode) Inno3d 9600gt 512mb (2X in SLI )
Drivers: Nvidia
Storage: 4x Samsung 200GB SATA-II plus 2 x 200GB external backup
Sound: SB 5.1
OS: Windows XP-Home SP2
Optical : LG multidrive DVD burner
Monitor:CMV 938D 19" flat panel 8ms response
Printer/fax : Brother MFC-240C
Anti-virus/spam & Firewall: Zone Alarm
Thanks for all the info in the other threads regarding upgrades
New PC Specs in red
Box :Antec p180 & true control 500w p/s New PSU 800w
Processor: AMD Athlon 6400 X2 Dual Core
Motherboard: AN9 32X series 3.00 gigahertz
Memory: 2GB 800Mzh duel channel 4gb 800mzh
Graphics: Xpertvision 7800GT (2x in SLI mode) Inno3d 9600gt 512mb (2X in SLI )
Drivers: Nvidia
Storage: 4x Samsung 200GB SATA-II plus 2 x 200GB external backup
Sound: SB 5.1
OS: Windows XP-Home SP2
Optical : LG multidrive DVD burner
Monitor:CMV 938D 19" flat panel 8ms response
Printer/fax : Brother MFC-240C
Anti-virus/spam & Firewall: Zone Alarm