Just boasting about a birthday -mine!


I turned 79 years today, luckily the forum reminded me of it. Over 7 years of Trainz and I still have the grey hair to prove it

Crikey!! That'll be as long as me/vern then, clocking up 7 1/2 years (or there abouts!) I'll look forward to Trainz 10th birthday, I wonder if they'll have a party for it? ;)
Happy birthday from a young 17-year-old to the coolest old fart I know :p

Age is relative...I'd have guessed you were younger!

I never thought I would be classed as 'cool', thank you. The trouble with old 'farts' is that they hang around a long time, you can't get away from them, and they annoy people.

I try not to do this. Annoy people, I mean, the hanging around is enjoyable so I'll keep that going as long as I can.

Actually, I believe I am younger, my daughters tell people that I am 79, going on 60, and reckons they will have to shoot me to get rid of me.

Cool, huh!:cool:



May I wish you a belated Happy Birthday. I guess I'm a youngster since I'm 29 years behind you. I was wondering if you have a way of accepting donations. I made it a point this year of giving back to the content creators whose creations I have enjoyed over the years. If this is not possible or desired then please accept my sincere thank you for all your great work. I think I have everything you have ever released.


I appreciate the thought, US$1,000,000 in used $5 notes will be welcome, however, your appreciation is worth that much so let's call it quits.

Seriously, I love the Trainz hobby (it is not a game), especially because it allows me to create, which gives me so much pleasure that I feel sometimes I should be paying the people who use what I make.

