Just boasting about a birthday -mine!

I don't mean to hijack the thread, but...

The thing I find most interesting about this is that it shows there really are some old fellows out there who are Trainzers, who contribute to the community, and who put many of us young, err, people to shame:hehe:

For a very long time I hadn't thought many people in their 60's or 70's used computers, much less had one. Of course when your grandmother can't even check her own email on a different OS then it does get to you.

Well this kind of puts my silly prejudice (and myself) to shame, there are some old farts out there who can really show the younger generations that yes, they can use computers, and they can beat them at darn near everything with them (you design your own websites:eek::hehe:?!).

I'll have to wait awhile to join the club though, I'm only just starting out on the "goal" of becoming an adult (16). THEN I can realize that life is short and start cramming.

Happy Birthday Peter, I had noticed this on the bottom of the Forum front page yesterday but did not think I could post about it. I have been checking this each day for some time.

I hope that you have had a great day and enjoy many more.

Many thanks for all your contributions to Trainz.

Many Happy Returns, Peter. Hope you have loads more to come.

Wilee: I'm 65 and have been building, repairing, programming, and swearing at computers since 1961.

Bill, I didn't know you were that old:hehe: Those were punched card days, I guess.

I bought my first Commodore 64 in the early 80's, an IBM compatible in '85 and I have been look backwards ever since, bemoaning the money I have spent on the damn things.

Not now, of course, I have Trainz and a great bunch of people to have as friends. Makes it all worthwhile.

Actually, I envy Wilee and the other young'uns. They will learn about and use so many interesting things that I will never see and probably would not comprehend.


Happy Birthday Peter.

79's not that old. You might have me beat by 18 or so but my mother's got 5 years on you! Sorry Mom.

Best wishes,
Happy Birthday Peter! ;)

Your name is one of those I hope to see around these parts for many a year to come - we've been through and shared a lot, all of us, over the last 5 or so years, some things and people have been lost, but as time goes by I can't ignore the fact that there's still a 'backbone' to this community and it will benefit us all so long as we stay 'within the circle' - online associations bring their own particular reward, especially when there's a creative element at work, it can be truly life-enhancing.

I can categorically state that being a member of the Trainz community HAS been a life-changing experience for me, I think you feel it too, so here's to many more happy meetings and clear roads in our virtual world. :)

p.s. don't forget our thriving and busy gang over at TPR, with a special section for all things NG ;)

p.p.s. Hi Bob :cool:
Happy birthday Peter, may you have many more years in front of you :hehe:
One can see, age and experience DO go together.

From the new kid on the block, a mere 67 years young.


!!!Happy birthday!!! (hip hip hooray)
The older you get the wiser you get And the more things
you have experienced and the storys
you can tell. It's great to see people like you here
It shows up young ones like me (You are an Aussie Legend)

From the newborn baby of 13 years old MAGLEVSX... :p
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Happy Birthday for yesterday, Peter.

I am a mere 75 at the moment so have a few more years to go to catch up (except I never can). Many thanks for all your help with the animation of my early models (I did finally learn how to do it myself using the tutorial you and Paul Hobbs cobbled together).

So a big thank you and may you prosper for many more years.

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Well Congrats peter 79 is a fair Innings ....dont declare yet .. You got plenty more Runs to score.....From a mere 50yr old child!...here
The thing I find most interesting about this is that it shows there really are some old fellows out there who are Trainzers, who contribute to the community, and who put many of us young, err, people to shame:hehe:

For a very long time I hadn't thought many people in their 60's or 70's used computers, much less had one. Of course when your grandmother can't even check her own email on a different OS then it does get to you.

Well this kind of puts my silly prejudice (and myself) to shame, there are some old farts out there who can really show the younger generations that yes, they can use computers, and they can beat them at darn near everything with them (you design your own websites:eek::hehe:?!).

I'll have to wait awhile to join the club though, I'm only just starting out on the "goal" of becoming an adult (16). THEN I can realize that life is short and start cramming.


Such wisdom & insight for a very young apprentice oldfellow.
Well said Wolfgang, about one of our Trainzer 'fathers'.
Thank you for recognising & pointing out the myth that "old people don't know about computers". After all, these folks are the ones that came up with the ideas & fashioned the initial 'building blocks' of the modern computer lifestyle we now enjoy today.

Actually Peter the Trainz community owe their very existence to the more 'mature' members, such as your good self. The intrinsic values from the past are just as relevant today as any other time in history.
Thank you for 'pointing the way'.

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Congrats on your 79th

We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing. :D

DaveW (67yrs)
Well done.
Thanks for sticking around and passing some maturity and wisdom to this community.

I think we need it from time to time.

Kind Regards

I turned 79 years today, luckily the forum reminded me of it. Over 7 years of Trainz and I still have the grey hair to prove it

What other ancients do we have active in the forum? Post here and show that the young ones (under 70) do not have it all their own way.



HI Narrow guage. Think I ought to join this club. I was 83 on the first of November 2007. Retired in 1985 after 45years service, as Fireman ,Driver,Firing iInstructor,Diesel Instructor and Head Office Inspector with the L.M.S and later British Rail,and enjoyed every minute of it.


Harry Failem

You make me feel like a newbie, congratulations. You have me well and truly beaten. I am surprised at the number of oldies who have confessed, it really shows that life does not end at 50.

To all those who owned up to being an oldie, and also to those who wished me well for surviving, I thank you. I would like to extend those good wishes to all the older ones, they deserve it.

It has been a good thread, thank you. In return, may I wish you all a good, long and satisfying life, whatever your age.

My respects to you all.
