JR Safetran Smart Signals Question


DL Engineer
I'm using these signals for a route but i can't get them to display what I need. How to I get them to show things such as Approach Medium, Slow Approach, Restricting, etc.... Any help is appreciated!
You will have to configure them through their properties window. Once you are there you would usually enter the straight path through an interlocking ect. with a series of L,R or F...left right and forward (for a three way switch) remember this is always in perspective of facing the points of a switch..it helps at first to have a scratch pad and write down what position the switches would be in for a straight normal speed path...usually the signal will take care of the rest however, I cannot get the 08 (three head type) to display medium...the 06 type will display medium. The 08 will display restricting in two ways (that I know of) one by clicking the "allow restricting aspect" in it's properties box...it functions like this...if there is a train in the block it will upgrade an absolute stop to restricting. Tje other way is to use the rule "set selected signal state" I use this rule assigned to a stationary "dummy driver" to set the signals at a yard entrance to restricting...and they stay at restricting regardless of route. I hopw this helps!
Maybe you should re-read what I wrote about JR smart signals. Do you by chance have grahamsea's older scripted signals? You can force aspects and with a few modifications they are visible from afar.
What I am saying is there is no reason to use the JR three head signals...none..they will not display the proper aspect. They don't allow medium or slow. The two headed 06 signals will give you medium clear...all dependant on the length of the turnout but they don't know that...which is why you have to "force" aspects in the game
I need to use the 3 headed one, its prototypical. How can I force aspects?
You can force the aspect by placing invisible signals after the signal, use the L5 Invisible signals, found on the DLS. They are 5 of them [FONT=Verdana, Arial]<KUID2:635427:24001:1> to [FONT=Verdana, Arial]<KUID2:635427:24005:1>. I don't remember which aspect, but one them will cause your consist to reduce speed to 15mph.

You can force the aspect by placing invisible signals after the signal, use the L5 Invisible signals, found on the DLS. They are 5 of them <KUID2:635427:24001:1> to <KUID2:635427:24005:1>. I don't remember which aspect, but one them will cause your consist to reduce speed to 15mph.

I'm not sure if I'm just using them wrong but i can't get these to give me the indication i require either....
I'm not sure if I'm just using them wrong but i can't get these to give me the indication i require either....

The arrow should be pointing in the direction of travel. This all accomplished in Surveyor mode. Place a loco on the path of the signal, observe the signal indication, adjust the signal script,(L-R-F), place one of the invisible signals behind your interlocking signal and in front of your turnout. Each time you make an adjustment either with the script or placing the invisible signals you need to sequence the turnout or the signal will not change!

The arrow should be pointing in the direction of travel. This all accomplished in Surveyor mode. Place a loco on the path of the signal, observe the signal indication, adjust the signal script,(L-R-F), place one of the invisible signals behind your interlocking signal and in front of your turnout. Each time you make an adjustment either with the script or placing the invisible signals you need to sequence the turnout or the signal will not change!

I got them to give me slightly different aspects but still not right, i don't know what else to try
I'm sorry to dig up an old topic again, but can someone please elaborate on the usage of the L5 invisible signals with the smart signals? Thank you very much to JohnnyC1 for his description, but I am finding that the wording is a bit hard to follow.
I'm sorry to dig up an old topic again, but can someone please elaborate on the usage of the L5 invisible signals with the smart signals? Thank you very much to JohnnyC1 for his description, but I am finding that the wording is a bit hard to follow.

What don't you understand?

I hope this can be of some help... What I've figured out so far is: The more turnout routes you 'program' into the signal, the more the signal's speed will drop. So to get the speed lower, program more turnouts further ahead into the signal. As far as the medium approach medium goes, that is correct because you opened the switch at the other end of the siding.