Jointed Rail Wellcars

the 48ft wellcars are in american intermodal as part of payware content pack
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Ok thanks! I thought I had saw them on there a while back but then when to get them, they were gone. I thought Joe had done some too and I looked on his site and nothing there either. Just to make sure I not losing my mind I figured I'd ask around a bit.
I think Joe made some, but I don't think they were ever released. The ones from JR are only available through the American Intermodal pack.

Ok speaking of well-cars, i understand fully that the JR American Intermodal is for trainz 12 only, I have both Trainz 12 and TANE, if i buy the pack could i at-least use the well cars from the pack in TANE? I'm a huge fan of CSX and want the CSX's well-cars, or at the least could you make the well cars for CSX available for purchases for TANE?I understand the route will not work in TANE, i just want the well-cars, thanks
Ok speaking of well-cars, i understand fully that the JR American Intermodal is for trainz 12 only, I have both Trainz 12 and TANE, if i buy the pack could i at-least use the well cars from the pack in TANE? I'm a huge fan of CSX and want the CSX's well-cars, or at the least could you make the well cars for CSX available for purchases for TANE?I understand the route will not work in TANE, i just want the well-cars, thanks
We will get these up on the site here shortly.

The route works ok in Tane for me.

Really? what dose "OK" mean, how much is not working
you are talking about "JR American Intermodal" and using it in TANE, correct? i will go buy the add on if that's the case! and yes i understand there will be no support if i use the add-on in TANE!, thanks
Yes to American Intermodal.
Just the trees have to be taken out and a few textures don't work.
Everything else works ok. I have been doing some additions and now running double stack 53ft Huskys as well as the Husky 48s.
Well worth the money for this route.