Jointed Rail RTXT track / ballast textures

My Bridge Track is not really bridge track. It's just rail without ballast. Actual bridge track has closer ties and check rails. There are a few on the DLStation, but none of them match up to this track. I can make my own, but I would still need the matching rail only track.
Is it a matter of removing the ties from the track-container?

I've never modified Pro-track so I don't know, just asking.
I was thinking about that. I don't know if it can be done, or if the original creator minds it's being done. Anybody know the best way to get in contact with the maker of this track?
The link on JR has been updated to include rail-only versions of the 3 weights in jointed and welded + used and rusted versions, 12 "new" types in all.


Just saw on Jointed Rail's website the RTXT procedural track and PBR textures.

Has anyone tried these out yet? If yes, what do you think of them? If not, I will give them a try.

Fred Bray
It looks great! Kinda bummed though as I started using Jr dk grey track years ago, moved on to a great looking pro track (it's Russian so I had to mod the gauge)that matches the Jr dk grey ballast perfectly and more importantly many assets I've made with the ballast texture (abutments, bridges, culverts ect.). None of the new Jr pro tracks match the ballast so I would have to re-do many assets.
It looks great! Kinda bummed though as I started using Jr dk grey track years ago, moved on to a great looking pro track (it's Russian so I had to mod the gauge)that matches the Jr dk grey ballast perfectly and more importantly many assets I've made with the ballast texture (abutments, bridges, culverts ect.). None of the new Jr pro tracks match the ballast so I would have to re-do many assets.
That's the problem with throwing a lot of detail into any route. It's darn near obsolete by the time the route is finished. I've already traded in my lower poly track for the RTXT tracks. It's even got 90lbs track for the Laurel Line Route if I ever want to change it. Plus the dark color ballast represents the old anthracite region ballast pretty well.
I finally gave these RTXT tracks a try and found something really odd. It would seem that the junction blades disappear in the screenshot for some reason. The blades are are actually there on the route, just not showing in the screenshots. I've taking many test screenshots all with the same result. Does anybody else have this problem? Is there a fix?
I take it from the lack of replies that my experience is isolated here. It would seem that when I hit the screenshot button, the junction blade briefly disappears being removed from any screenshots. Nobody else with this issue?
I might need to find a new way to take screenshots if this is an internal problem with Trainz.
I just checked and it is an internal thing.

Use Win-key + SHIFT + S.

This brings up the Windows Snipping Tool.
Draw a marquee around what you want to snap a pic of. You can then click on mark-up and share, and save it wherever you want.

My test shows the points in the screen capture using this method.

I recommend submitting a bug report here:

I just checked and it is an internal thing.

Use Win-key + SHIFT + S.

This brings up the Windows Snipping Tool.
Draw a marquee around what you want to snap a pic of. You can then click on mark-up and share, and save it wherever you want.

My test shows the points in the screen capture using this method.

I recommend submitting a bug report here:

I have tested with the Windows Snipping Tool. It works, however it also keeps the Windows taskbar and title bars in the screenshot. This means I would have to crop every screenshot I take. It's doable, but a pain. I don't know if reporting this bug will do any good as I'm using TRS2019.