Jerky Texture placement


Crabby Old Geezer
For some reason, now when I'm in Surveyor and open the Texture menu, the scene starts jerking and stuttering. This is ONLY when I open the texture Menu. All other Surveyor menus work smooth as silk. Anyone have an idea what's going on here?
Does this happen only when you first open the menu?

If it does it could be the assets.tdx is being referenced and the texture KUIDs are being loaded to populate the selection screen. Keep in mind too that these assets are displayed differently from the other assets. The displayed icon is the same as the texture which of course means that stuff is loaded differently, and means calling up different routines in the program, etc.

Hard drive is defragged. The only thing new I've done to my PC lately is add new and more RAM.

You might want to do a little rebuilding of your swap file as you've added more RAM, and by adding more memory it will increase the swap file size as well as make the file contiguous.

You need to go to the system properties (system) under the control panel, and then to advanced. You can then remove the swap file. You'll need to restart and Windows should recreate it.

Well, the issue has disappeared as mysteriously as it started. Go figure.

John, I think I'll take your advice about the swap file. I never thought about that.

Thanks guys.

Well, the issue has disappeared as mysteriously as it started. Go figure.

John, I think I'll take your advice about the swap file. I never thought about that.

Thanks guys.


That's good. Windows may have rebuilt the swap file for you.

I suspect some stutters in Surveyor are sometimes down to external factors - e.g. Windows Updates downloading in the background or your virus checker updating itself. If terrain painting is one of the more intensive Surveyor operations (lots of little pixels being changed/blended) then that is going to need a fairly hefty share of the available resources.