I've finally got a working running layout!

Tbob you have more of a physical layout than I do. I am glad to know you put forth the effort to start where you could. keep on adding to it. By the way what scale is it? S or O?

Thanks! I used to run an O-Guage oval but at present, this is an HO layout :)
tbob, I have the same John Deer tractor :p

your've got a nice layout, whats your landscape idea for the layout?
tbob, I have the same John Deer tractor :p

your've got a nice layout, whats your landscape idea for the layout?

Which one? I'm up to 6 :p :hehe:

Right now I'm gonna wait to think about that until I get a bigger board (Track's kinda hangin' off at the moment :eek: ) Plus I still have to acount for the rest of my Deere fleet, a few fire engines, etc.

I hope I don't seem like I've been ignoring people, I had my first week of school this past week.

EZ-Track is a good way to go for your first layout, though in truth it actually costs a bit more than say Atlas Snap-Track (their standard track, nail-it-down-yourself style).

Looks good. Now I just have to get off my bum and remake MY layout for the 800th time...still trying out different track plans lol.
Very nice Jesse :)

I know money is a HUGE ISSUE (past experience)

i guess Amtrak is running excursions with old diesels on their passenger trains ;)
My O-Gauge Layout

The upper left first picture is a 100% totally scratch built building. If anyone is interest to see:


Sorry for the blurry pictures. Only have a cellphone digital and I shake like the dickens.

My layout is Train Master Command Control. I hope someday to make it permanent and bigger. The steam engines you see are a PRR Atlantic 4-4-2, PRR Pre-War K4 without smoke deflectors, and a B&A Berkshire 2-8-4.
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I would atleast get rid of those horn hooked couplers and go with Kadee No.5's. Not only do they look better but there also easier to manually decouple. It's one of the things you can do till you decide on a final layout plan. However do not stay with the that track you currently have. You will be severly limited to what you can do.

Take your time in deciding your track plan and also what era you will do those two decisions will greatly effect how much $$ you will put into your layout and rolling stock. 50's and 60's era are the least expensive do to the locomotives used costing anywhere from 30 to 50 a pop and rolling stock being around 7 to 10 a pop and the the past era with steamers costing anywhere from 100 dollar's to around 500 to 600 a pop. Doing the present era has locals running anywhere from 50 bucks to 200 with rolling stock costing around 15 to 30 dollars.

I would also suggest going with code 100 nickle silver. Stay away from used brass track. Also avoid 18 radius curves. You want no less then 24 radius. Especially if you decide to have passenger trains running.
i agree with beasty101. those 18's are dangerous to a 4-8-4. although i am just getting rid of my horn hooks and 18's, flex track and switches from peco are a good way to go. i have e-z track but i am switching to flex so i can have 23' and 1/2 radius curves. that will open up your layout to much larger loco's although it will be very close to the edge.
my 18's can just barely hold my class j in place along with the arrow. i do have the same station. also e-z track is easier to break and its electrical conduct is ok. if your having trouble running get a bright boy.
Sorry that I"ve just noticed this thread. Great start, but a word of warning...this is only the beginning. Now that you've got the bug and have trains running, it's just the first step to an ever expanding empire limited only by space, funds and imagination.
I started much the same way about 25 years ago with a small oval in my basement. About 5 iterations later, I had filled a space about 24 ft by 20 ft with my imaginary empire. About the time that I had all of the track laid, trains running and scenery begun, I had to move and no longer have room for a model railroad. Then I discovered Trainz which opened up a whole new modeling experience for me. I don't think I'll ever give up simulation railroading, but I'd just love to have space for a model RR again. I just love the hands on of the models.
Have fun and best of luck to you.
my only layout is sitting out in my back yard.....being uh....weathered...and waiting for space

that and I am converting it from HO Scale to ON30 scale, so i have to strip everything off anyway