I've finally got a working running layout!


Analog Kid
Howdy folks,

Yesterday I finally got the rest of the track that I needed to power my HO layout, and threw this together...


The gentlmen who gave me this transformer saved me a good $130

I recently met a former Metro North/Penn Central engineer who retired not too long ago and has everything HO for NYC/MN/PC and 4 FL9's that I'd kill for. He's giving me two closets full of rollingstock that he can't use. As an advanced he gave me two Amtrak RDC's, a NYC Doodlebug, and a GP60 EMD Demo.


My shop in progress. Here, equipment that's out of service is placed and most servicing is performed here.

The NYC Doodlebug at the main station dropping off a pair of antique John Deere's.


A signal tower under construction


Tell me watcha think:cool:
To be truly honest with you, it looks kinda cheap, mostly the track as well as the trees and the level crossing. I think that buying it from a cheaper company is kind of the problem, but then again when you have no alternative... I do think it is a good start though. Granted yes you don't have to try and go pro, but I think it would help to find some track and lineside stuff that doesn't look, but screams: I'M PLASTIC! Other than that it looks good, I didn't start out with anything more than that and I doubt many of us here had anything more to begin with either.

Well, money was the main issue, since I only had a $250 budget. Track obviously cost the most, and the trees were just something I had laying around. I've got some wood land scenic stuff someone gave me that I still gotta fool around with but other than that, it's just the start of the layout.
tbob, You obviously have put a lot of time and effort into your project. Long may you continue to enjoy. That is the main thing;)
say goodbye to the kids, wife, extended family!

Welcome to the society of basement modelers tbob :hehe::hehe:
Nice 628 jess,
Now i just gotta find that C425.....:o
That's a good start for a layout, just add a siding and you can have some neat little operations. If you hadn't already started I would have said something like go with N or Z because you can model more.
Really like that last video, but I think your level crossing is a bit screwy, the barriers keep jumping.


P.S. Next time I think you should turn all the lights on:p
yeah, all of those type of level crossings dont stay down Wilee, its because they are pressure activated, and there is not enough pressure applied by the train to have the gates go down and stay down. It just doesnt work.
I know this because i had one too, until i dismantled it:confused:
keep up the good work

Tbob you have more of a physical layout than I do. I am glad to know you put forth the effort to start where you could. keep on adding to it. By the way what scale is it? S or O?