Is there an 'Idiots' guide to track laying.


New member
I've just done a nightshift on the 'Real' railway and it was a lot easier than getting this lot to stay put. Not sure if I'm just tired or stupid but! How the hell do you do it.

I tried putting in a set of points but they kept moving with the cursor. I'll have a look at the link above.

I have this happen also. It seems that the end point of the track will not stick after left click. I generally pick another point close by and use to Move tool to jockey into position. I think it has to do with the terrain properties.
The tracks in Surveyor tend to get a little sticky when you lay them a little further away from the camera. Dragging a spline point for a very long distance can result in a little bit of lag. When the tracks start misbehaving, hold down the shift key and lay it. This will make it stay wherever it is. In the case of lagging, the track might not play immeidately. Try holding down the shift key and click, then wait for a second or so before moving the mouse.

Alternatively, you can try using fixed track sections, although they don't work well on grades.
Well! That was interesting. I've got the first part of my planned track down and saved. It may need a little re-aligning but it's getting there.
Now its Question Time.
Q1. I want to put a couple of platforms into possition. One is an island platform. How do I do this as one face is on a curve and I can only find straight platforms in the drop down list.

Q2. I need more area to work on. How do I extend the ground area that I have as I'm falling of the edge!

Q3. How do I get out of doing jobs around the house when I've got Trainz 2006 to play with.

3rd question might be in the wrong discussion area.

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Hello WesterKirk!
Answers to questions:
Q1 Curved platforms can be produced using a spline. There are Modular station components in Surveyor in the buildings menu, most of the components are static but the platforms are in the spline section and lay in the same way you would lay the track, or a road.
Q2 the extension is in the Topology menu, under the "Advanced" tag. Click on this and the menu drops down. Move your cursor to the edge of the board where you want to extend and click "extend"
Q3 If you find the answer to this one PLEASE! let me know IMMEDIATELY.
All the best.

Not sure where I'm going wrong here.
1st of all I thought I'd saved my last track 'layout' but can't find it and not sure where I saved it ...d'oh!
As for the platform. I've started again a wanted to start with the platform. How do I get a curve on one side. I've tried all the buttons but nothing.

I thought I was quite bright.......... Guess I'm just dying to get building.

Any ideas or a direction to a tutorial

To creat the curve lay a short section of platform then add another section the same way as you lay track. You then drag spline points to get the shape you want. All saved routes are in the same place and should appear in the surveyor list when you opened it. Look for the name you saved it as, if it does not show you may need to delete the assets tdx and bku files if in 06 or the cache files in 04
[ ] makes for a really good compilation on track laying, bridge building, signalling, portals, industry sidings and the like. Not sure if you fancy custom content, but there is a default asset in TRS 2006 featuring a small interactive platform on a curved track by the name of DON STATION. Note that spline platforms are not interactive so you can't load passengers and baggage.

You can create a new baseboard by pressing F1 or clicking the TOPOLOGY tab at the top. Then click the extend button and click on the terrain itself the direction you want to extend to.

Regarding the missing layout, you might be looking inside the Driver menu. You can have the largest route on the DLS but without a sessionor scenario you can't do anything to it. Not sure if this is your case but try creating a simple session by adding a train in Surveyor.

The extend button is under Advanced options from Topology.
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Something not right here.
I've made 3 layouts in surveyor now and Saved them. When I go back in the menu then return to surveyor. My named route is in the drop down list. When I exit Trainz 2006 then go back in. The route has vanished.
Q.1 Where do they get saved?
Q.2 Why are they not staying in the drop down menu.
Q.3 I don't seem to see how I get out of surveyor without using Esc. Could this be the problem.

Come on Guys... let me into the secret world of trainz.

Q.3 I don't seem to see how I get out of surveyor without using Esc. Could this be the problem?
Yes. To exit Surveyor, click the red button in the top left corner of the screen. You'll then be offered the usual save, don't save or don't exit options. With a large route it may take some time to exit, appearing to be doing nothing.

HTH, John