Is it possible?


As the title says, is it possible to make an invisible road, and just have a bulldozer or say a dump truck driving it, and still have normal traffic on other roads?

Just wondering, for my layout

Yes you have to go into survayor,go to splines(buildings section) and look for the icon that looks like a car,click it,that should turn off the traffic.
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No Gandalf.
I think you missunderstood (?)me.
Im talking about two different roads.

One for the normal traffic, cars, trucks etc
And one invisible for construction vehicles, say bulldozers, excavators, dump trucks.

Two separate roads;)

Surely, if you can have invisible tracks with canal boats or aircraft running on them, it must be possible to do it for bulldozers or dump trucks on a construction site. :)
If the bull dozer is setup like a loco , it will run on invisible track (not invisible road). Thats how folks do boats.

I'm almost positive that would be somethin in the scripting or the config and i sadly can't help you. Maybe a more knowledegable person can help.
You'll need to make a custom region with the vehicles of your choice, however you will not be able to have separate roads for construction equip and cars.To make a custom region, clone a region then edit the config. file, replacing the default car kuids with the ones of your choice.
You can't do this with spawned vehicles. The region defines the cars that will appear on all roads, even if they don't connect to each other. There are no available script functions that would enable it to be hacked.

Your only option is driveable vehicles for the construction traffic.