is it possible for a TANE and TRS 19 install to get jumbled on mac ?


Well-known member
I ask , because I had a power supply fail a few days back, I was using 2019 at the time, mac osx High sierra. The computer was dead, so I installed another power supply which made no difference, I thought it would probably be the logic board so bought another mac pro used, installed all drives on that, However the drive with high sierra on it refused to be recognised as a boot disc, I have two installs of Osx on different drives in case one acts up and also as i have software that works on one, and not the other, there has never been any issue with booting up from either startup disc until now, altho I have since discovered that high sierra uses a different drive format system. APFS, which may be causing the bootup issue now ( although the only difference is , the drves are now in a differnt computer but suing the same os and drive setup.
Anyway , i found the older computer is actually ok, and boots up from the high sierra drive. I have several installs of 2019 as when high sierra crashed last year on the sierra drive as i could not use the high sierra drive in boot mode for a few months and was forced to duplicate everything including trainz. I have backup data sets of all trainz versions and TANE is also on both boot drives, but it asppars i had 2019 instyalled on sierra, its not installed on the high sierra drive. .

anyway, long and short of it, I cannot find the current 2019 data install, all the build versions i have found are old ,no backups in 2021, so the latest build I was using seems to have disappeared. I do not have an indication of which data install I was working from as the link to 2019 on the high sierra drive is indicating the app isnt installed , I can however find tane-setting.dat in the preferences file for trs19 on the high sierra drive and backups of stuff i was working on in 2019 in my TANE folder on the other system drive along with a few other items that should not be in TANE at all. I have cdp copies of the route I was working on, but I've lost all the fixes i made for rolling stock and a few customised items as well, so its a fair few hours to get the route working again and i will have to download hundreds of items from dls to get back to where I was a few days go. .

I'm seriously flummoxed as to how an entire build can go missing like this , I've searched any way i can think of and all drives , even ones I know I was not using for Trainz installs but cannot find the trs19 data install I was using, anyone got ANY idea as to what the hell is going on here ?
Looking in my Tane install, the internet folder contain hundreds of cdps that I recently downloaded from DLs into 2019,this also contains the latest backups. they all should have been for TANE, but it looks like they are they have been made for the route i was working on in 2019 !
You can download a fresh copy of TRS19 from your My Trainz account. Look on the left side for product downloads.

As far as data getting crossed, that's not possible and only occurs if it's done manually, meaning self-inflicted. It's possible that you created the CDPs for TRS19 when not noticing the path where they were going to. We've all made that mistake unless we're aware of the data paths.
You can download a fresh copy of TRS19 from your My Trainz account. Look on the left side for product downloads.

As far as data getting crossed, that's not possible and only occurs if it's done manually, meaning self-inflicted. It's possible that you created the CDPs for TRS19 when not noticing the path where they were going to. We've all made that mistake unless we're aware of the data paths.

I don't need a new copy of 2019 John , I have three installed altogether , I just need to work out where the trs19 data has disappeared to. The cdps I referred to are ones downloaded from the DLS I am presuming as they are in the internet folder , I didn't create them myself, when I do make cdps I drop them on external drives to transfer to my windows laptop.
it seems a total mess, I now have 472 items missing from the tane timber ridge install ,where there were none before the power loss, how ,I do not know as I'm using the same data install for TANE .

Currently doing extended database repairs on both 2029 and tane hoping it might help. I rather think feel like dave snow did before he left trainz, this constant struggle to keep everything working makes me wonder if its time to move on to something else ... i think i'm going to have to install the two versions on different computers to avoid this situation in the future , that is if i can summon the energy to sort all this out, feel like just giving up..
I don't need a new copy of 2019 John , I have three installed altogether , I just need to work out where the trs19 data has disappeared to. The cdps I referred to are ones downloaded from the DLS I am presuming as they are in the internet folder , I didn't create them myself, when I do make cdps I drop them on external drives to transfer to my windows laptop.
it seems a total mess, I now have 472 items missing from the tane timber ridge install ,where there were none before the power loss, how ,I do not know as I'm using the same data install for TANE .

Currently doing extended database repairs on both 2029 and tane hoping it might help. I rather think feel like dave snow did before he left trainz, this constant struggle to keep everything working makes me wonder if its time to move on to something else ... i think i'm going to have to install the two versions on different computers to avoid this situation in the future , that is if i can summon the energy to sort all this out, feel like just giving up..

Okay. I understand now. The content may actually exist, as you say, and the EDR will recover it. Seriously, this isn't a TRS19 issue per se and is more of a hardware and power issue, but I do understand your frustration. I highly, highly recommend getting a UPS. Count up the number of external devices plus your PC and add up the watts (VA). This is the minimal size you need. I purchased a 2000 VA unit for about $200 USD. The unit comes with a 3-year warranty and the batteries are replaceable. I replaced my previous unit which was 10 years old and never had to replace the batteries, and it was when I went to replace the batteries that I found out that there were problems with the circuitry because we took a big hit during a storm. That hit that got my system did a similar thing and ate a ton of content including custom routes. I had backups and was able to recover, but I also lost a lot of work too in the process.

So get yourself one of these units and have a piece of mind for a few years at least. When the power sags or spikes, the UPS will filter the power and when the power goes out unexpectedly, the battery system will kick in and continue the power until you can shutdown. My particular unit allows me 10 minutes before shutdown which is long enough because I don't have network anyway so it's not worth doing anything.
Okay. I understand now. The content may actually exist, as you say, and the EDR will recover it. Seriously, this isn't a TRS19 issue per se and is more of a hardware and power issue, but I do understand your frustration. I highly, highly recommend getting a UPS. Count up the number of external devices plus your PC and add up the watts (VA). This is the minimal size you need. I purchased a 2000 VA unit for about $200 USD. The unit comes with a 3-year warranty and the batteries are replaceable. I replaced my previous unit which was 10 years old and never had to replace the batteries, and it was when I went to replace the batteries that I found out that there were problems with the circuitry because we took a big hit during a storm. That hit that got my system did a similar thing and ate a ton of content including custom routes. I had backups and was able to recover, but I also lost a lot of work too in the process.

So get yourself one of these units and have a piece of mind for a few years at least. When the power sags or spikes, the UPS will filter the power and when the power goes out unexpectedly, the battery system will kick in and continue the power until you can shutdown. My particular unit allows me 10 minutes before shutdown which is long enough because I don't have network anyway so it's not worth doing anything.
yes, i was thinking to myself today, as I remembered your post , that I should buy one of these units...... I have never seen one advertised over here, must have a look and see whats available.
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Okay. I understand now. The content may actually exist, as you say, and the EDR will recover it. Seriously, this isn't a TRS19 issue per se and is more of a hardware and power issue, but I do understand your frustration. I highly, highly recommend getting a UPS. Count up the number of external devices plus your PC and add up the watts (VA). This is the minimal size you need. I purchased a 2000 VA unit for about $200 USD. The unit comes with a 3-year warranty and the batteries are replaceable. I replaced my previous unit which was 10 years old and never had to replace the batteries, and it was when I went to replace the batteries that I found out that there were problems with the circuitry because we took a big hit during a storm. That hit that got my system did a similar thing and ate a ton of content including custom routes. I had backups and was able to recover, but I also lost a lot of work too in the process.

So get yourself one of these units and have a piece of mind for a few years at least. When the power sags or spikes, the UPS will filter the power and when the power goes out unexpectedly, the battery system will kick in and continue the power until you can shutdown. My particular unit allows me 10 minutes before shutdown which is long enough because I don't have network anyway so it's not worth doing anything.

most of the missing content seems to have now been restored but i am still mystified as to how the trs19 folder has vanished, i got a lot of assets back from the tane database by installing directly into 2019 from there, but there are still 175 unknown kuids and i cant find any trace of most of them on my hard drives, I actually deleted all missing items BEFORE I began this sg rebuild of timber ridge and now, in the SG version, there are items that are not present in the TANE version , which are showing as missing and I do not have copies of them anywhere. i assume the crash has somehow made 2019 see items that probably were in the original timber ridge made by klinger,as one is a 2012 texture that is no longer in circulation that possible ?

There actually seems to be very few actual missing items in the route, itself just lots of items that are listed as missing and which weren't included in the assets in the route !!!!.
My mind is boggling as i had no missing items at all before the crash, just a few faulty dependencies on some rolling stock.
You likely know this but you can see where the folder is supposed to be: Settings : Install : Local data folder
See where TRS19 thinks it is and go there and look.

Some files you can search for to help find "buiild" (data) folders:
Not sure if this applies to your issue, but I know I had to give up bouncing between Sierra and High Sierra to run old apps due to the difference in file formats. High Sierra can read AFPS and HFS, but Sierra reads only HFS. It got really confusing.
Not sure if this applies to your issue, but I know I had to give up bouncing between Sierra and High Sierra to run old apps due to the difference in file formats. High Sierra can read AFPS and HFS, but Sierra reads only HFS. It got really confusing.
It was ok until I had the power fail, it appeared my hex core was dead, not so, but I bought another 2010 Mac Pro cheaply, an 8 core , but when I tried to boot up from high Sierra, it repeatedly refused to do so and defaulted to Sierra, but for some strange reason, the high Sierra boot disc worked fine in the revitalised hex core . Since I now have this situation I'm going to run 2019 on one Mac and Tane on the other to avoid this mixup again, the Afps format seems to be the cause of the booting issue in the 8 core , I haven't tried just using high Sierra in that unit as yet,but eventually I will try and force it to boot up from high Sierra. I have a 2gb 680 I can put in one of them, timber ridge ran ok on just a 1gb 5870 , I would buy another Rx 580, but prices have gone through the roof due to tariffs and bitmining, someone was selling a new rx580 for $1300 this week and even used units have $600 asking prices, this is just absurd . One last weirdness of the 8 core was that it came with 26gb ram, but when I tried to add other ram, only some slots would work , no matter how I swopped the chips around, I bought two 8gb 1060 chips as two slots with 4gb chips in them were registering as empty, when I bunged in the 8gbs into the two chip slots which had contained 1gb chips miraculously those two 4gb chips in the "empty " slots registered as active, so now I have 40gb on the 8 core....weird.
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I bought another 2010 Mac Pro cheaply said:
Had the previous owner installed High Sierra in the 8 core Mac? A firmware upgrade was part of the installation. If not, it might explain why your High Sierra boot disk is not recognized.
Had the previous owner installed High Sierra in the 8 core Mac? A firmware upgrade was part of the installation. If not, it might explain why your High Sierra boot disk is not recognized.

no he was running sierra .Disc utility on the 8 core was showing the ssd with high sierra on as irrepairable ( no doubt as it was formatted as AFPS ) but it also was showing it as a separate disc which could be repaired, v strange.