inventorizing deps packs


.. during all those years and several versions / builds, i downloaded a lot of "unknowns" .. with the help of (mostly) and google .. and of course those fora .. and creators of routes & sessions ..
90% was stowed away in "packs" .. to extract one single or a few cdp's from such a pack, i used cdp-explorer 3.5 and/or 4.0 by silvergreen93 (vvmm 474195) .. you can choose in settings (f12) how you can compose the cdp export name ..
as i want the cdp-name begins with a kuidnumber i prefer version 4.0, because "unknown" has only a kuidnumber ..
on the other hand : in 3.5 i can directly drag a (pack).cdp into the cdp-explorer window and in 4.0 i have to "empty" the window by file/close all (or ctrl+w) before dragging ..


cdp explorer 3.5 / cdp explorer 4.0

to inventorize this collection of "missing dependencies" or "unknowns" (>100 gb!), i wanted to save them in an excel database ..
maybe someone knows a better (and easier) solution .. i really hope so, 'cause it's a huge job (i started a year ago, but i'm really lazy and lost my motivation) .. and yes, i know : i don't have to search for "unknowns" .. when there are untraceable missings and too less pointers, where to find precious little gemz, i better have to quit .. demolish that "unusable" creation and find my own inspiration ..
i know, really .. but it is a part of my journey .. my travel through foreign faraway minds .. my meeting with (almost) like-minded possesed creatures .. my quest ..

while pierre courbin (pierreparis 86528) will stop his terrific site trainzkuidindex (15 dec 2025), we have to work more together to find missing pieces ..
but i especially want to be able to search my own stock to see if i haven't already downloaded it somewhere ..
and maybe this kind of gathering will contribute to a better cooperation .. :

1 : save a (sub)directory listing to a .txt file :
- explorer -> rightclick directory with all the cdp's : open in terminal (win11) -or- open powershell window or command prompt and navigate to the folder using the "cd" command ..
- at prompt : cmd /r dir /s /b > filename.txt .. enter ..
=== note : the cmd /r part of this command tells powershell to execute the command as typed and then exit .. /s commands to look also in the subdirectories .. /b commands just a list of the \path\filenames themselves .. > commands to "print" to a .txt-file with the filename you choose (advice : use the folder name) ..
= or =
- use software like karen's directory printer 5.4.4 (


.. result via powershell command(s) ..

2 : import .txt file in excel :
- 1st tab is the imported depspack.txt file .. at the moment >3000 rows (.xlsx file has a limit of 1.048.576 rows, so i can move forward for a while) ..
- to organize the quantity of rows you can group the "files" : file / data / overview / group /group .. upper leftcorner : 1 = fold all and 2 = unfold all ..
- 2nd tab is the gathering of all .cdp-files = the final tab, where you can search (ctrl+f) or can sort by kuid or name or .. ..
- other tabs are the gathering of large pack.cdp to process into the all-tab ..


3 : drag (pack)cdp into cdp-explorer window :
- file / export as csv .. use filename of pack (copy/paste) ..
- import pack.csv into a new tab and name the tab the same as the pack ..
- when converted, you can copy-paste the rows into the all-tab ..


.. this is not a thread to find your missings .. there are other places to meet, like : ..
let's find a solution for a central datacloud, where we share what we have ..

have a nice time and be healthy
thankz and respect for all the assets creators​
Wish I had a better Idea. I started something similar then kind of gave it up as too much work and time to get everything into excel. I am now trying to gather "Modified" and "Third Party" assets from my older versions of Trainz to archive. I am just sorting them by Asset ID, then creating .cdp files of about 100 assets each with names using the range of the first number, as in 9-6211, 7001-13920, 15271-30283, etc. That will at least give me one place to look with CDP Explorer if I am trying to find a missing or unknown asset.
I have another method: I made my own asset database of all assets I can find that are not istalled, nor on the DLS (200,000 assets as of today), and a macro that converts .cdp lists of missing dependencies to "Everything" standard. Then, the only thing I have to do is to copy the files. Whole operation is about 2 or 3 mins.


If I need to check if I own an asset (in my local database, already installed or in unpacked .cdps), for my personal use or on someone's request, then I use this file:

• For local database:

1. Copy your individual .cdp files (CDP Explorer will extract them from multiple packs) in a dedicated folder
2. Install Everything
3. Create a macro to convert CM format of your missing dependencies <kuid:123:123>,<kuid:234:234>, etc., to the needed syntax (see screenshot above)

• For asset collection:

1. List your local database content using command: dir /b *.cdp > <your drive>:\<your file>.txt (as an example mine is dir /b *.cdp > F:\Database.txt)
2. Create a macro that converts the list to CSV format and adds the label "Database"
3. From CM, from default filter ("Installed"), highlight any asset, hit Ctrl+A to select all, right-click and choose "List assets in a new window", click anywhere in the upper field, hit Ctrl+A and paste in a text file
4. Create a macro that converts the list to CSV format and adds the label "Installed"
5. Merge files

Optionally, I add .cdps contained in all payware I purchase (as you can see in second screenshot)

The only specific software needed is Everything. Almost all text editors can create macros.
• For local database:

1. Copy your individual .cdp files (CDP Explorer will extract them from multiple packs) in a dedicated folder
2. Install Everything
3. Create a macro to convert CM format of your missing dependencies <kuid:123:123>,<kuid:234:234>, etc., to the needed syntax (see screenshot above)

• For asset collection:

1. List your local database content using command: dir /b *.cdp > <your drive>:\<your file>.txt (as an example mine is dir /b *.cdp > F:\Database.txt)
2. Create a macro that converts the list to CSV format and adds the label "Database"
3. From CM, from default filter ("Installed"), highlight any asset, hit Ctrl+A to select all, right-click and choose "List assets in a new window", click anywhere in the upper field, hit Ctrl+A and paste in a text file
4. Create a macro that converts the list to CSV format and adds the label "Installed"
5. Merge files

Optionally, I add .cdps contained in all payware I purchase (as you can see in second screenshot)

The only specific software needed is Everything. Almost all text editors can create macros.
Please share with us the macro files .

Thank you .
.. thank you very much, hpl, for sharing .. i already downed the software and will study it .. as i have only basic knowledge, i'm hesitant for "macros" ..
i also don't understand ".. convert cm format .." .. is "cm" meaning content manager ? .. and what do you mean with the "format" .. how can i reach that ..

it is definitely worth to study, so i do my best to make it my skill ..
i also don't understand ".. convert cm format .." .. is "cm" meaning content manager ? .. and what do you mean with the "format" .. how can i reach that ..
Yes, CM is Content Manager; its export format is <kuid:123:123>,<kuid:234:234>, and so on, that must be converted to Everything's syntax, thus the need of a macro to manage this.
@zsuda the other thing I have stated to do is name my downloaded files and folders with the primary KUID. FOr example I have a folder that is 71949 Cadel Carvintage, and another that is 96914 BDaneal. for mixed folders I will name individual downoladed files with the KUID in front, or for mixed CDPs create a small text file named "KUIDS in TBS Packs.txt" or something.
.. yes forester1, that's what i do with individual downloaded cdps .. my issue of inventorizing is the packs loaded with various assets ..
.. during the weekend i did my next step towards simplism in my main goal "inventorizing deppacks":
* with cdp-explorer 4.0 i unpacked all my packs, including the single cdps with multiple content, into one folder, named "downdeps" .. result 54.338 items ..
and deleted folder "dep packs" with all the now unpacked packs ..

* cdp-explorer 4.0 :
  • drag .cdp(s) into window : asset/extract all as cdp (ctrl+shft+x) --> path\folder (for example : trs cdp\downdeps)
  • clear window (ctrl+w) and drag the next amount of cdps
benefits cdp-explorer 4.0 :
  • cdp file export name : kuid username build
  • able to load multiple (pack).cdps in the window
  • it overwrite existing files (so, no more multi places)
  • some assets had only a kuidnr, now i also have the username ..
  • no more time-slurping dir-lists and excel sheets ..
to find a kuid that i need :
  • explorer : right upper corner : search in downdeps = xxxxx xxxxx (for example : 86955 1000023) --> drag into content manager to install ..
  • = or = search by hand, because it is sorted ..
wish :
  • learning about macros
  • string for finding multi cdps (one or a few is easy to do by hand in explorer ..)
  • filter (old) build version (because my choice of objects is now much stricter)
next step :
  • inventorizing payware
  • inventorizing freeware
  • inventorizing not yet installed assets
.. still having fun .. how simple can it be .. i'm satisfied ..
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I am also fighting inventorizing my archives, part of them are in form of copy of local folder from TRS2006, which is full of subfolders named "content xxxxxxxxxxxx", where those exs are random characters. I would really need some tool to rename those subfolders to the TRS2004 naming convention, ie. "kuid xxxxxx xxxxxx" I remember there was some tool for that in the past, but I can't find it or remember its name.... Do You have any idea what tool it was?

.. jagg, i can't help you with that .. i recognize the issue, but i really don't have any idea what tool it is/was ..
besides that, i "avoid" old assets, because they don't "fit" anymore in my present choices of creativity and technology (cdp + >4.5) ..
My method for cataloging my downloaded assets is to place them in a Trainz Content folder on my software downloads drive. Within the Trainz Content folder, I have folders arranged by country or region and then by author or organization depending upon where I downloaded the assets from. If necessary, I have additional folders arranged by content type such as locomotives, scenery, passenger cars, etc.

@zsuda thank you for providing the link for Karen's Directory Printer. I used that way back in 1997 when she provided it with Windows Magazine. I lost my old disk with the utility and of course 27 years have passed since then. I'm glad to see the latest version has been updated and the program is still going strong.
thankz jcitron .. and yes john, my present trainz"install"disc = TRS CDP, contains (almost) the same categories as the dls (downloadstation) : 01 locs - 03 rolling stock - 04 routes - 07 scenery - 08 track - 10 textures - 20 dependencies ..
the topic of this thread "inventorizing deppacks" is (and will) realized in the folder "20 dependencies\00 all" (#13) ..
this year i want to unpack all the cdps in the other folders to collect in the all-folder, while retaining the original main packaging ..

.. continuing with my inventorizing :
- i extracted all the cdps i have downloaded in the past (almost) 25 years : locs, rolling stock, routes, scenery, track .. into single kuids in subfolder "kuidlist" of every catagory (sub)folder..
- i wanted to convert old assets, which are still as a folder with config.txt and some files (.im, .tga, .texture.txt), to a .cdp-file ..

such as asset "NZ Ab specular" of sirgibby :
i use t:ane for this: i drag the folder(s) into the content manager, which installs them as cdp ..
now i can export them to a content-archive.cdp, extract it with cdp explorer 4.1 and save them in my dependencies-folder, so that they are searchable as single kuids : kuidnumber asset(user)name trainz-build ..

== converting old asset to .cdp ==