Michigan Trainz
Back to the route at hand:
I've read information that by the year 2025 they want high-speed rail service in southern California so maybe I might add the NEC-style line out of my exhisting Surfliner (They say the Surfliner will become high speed NEC-style line.) and CSX and CN out of UP Eureka Yard (At but some changes to show between 2007 and 2025 due to UP doesn't own the yard anymore. This route is played-out prototypically. Even though it's about 17 years in the future; It will be realistic and not fictional where there is flying cars or highways thru buildings
. It will not be like that. It will be like today, but with newer car models (Run on four wheels
), all crossings are quads like the US is installing on crossings now in 2007, and automatic switches are solar powered like BNSF has in Bakersefield. -Chris
I've read information that by the year 2025 they want high-speed rail service in southern California so maybe I might add the NEC-style line out of my exhisting Surfliner (They say the Surfliner will become high speed NEC-style line.) and CSX and CN out of UP Eureka Yard (At but some changes to show between 2007 and 2025 due to UP doesn't own the yard anymore. This route is played-out prototypically. Even though it's about 17 years in the future; It will be realistic and not fictional where there is flying cars or highways thru buildings

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