"Instantload" command


Crabby Old Geezer
I was just wondering if anyone at JR is going to get around to updating the "Instantload" command for T:ANE so that when you use the command you get truly random loads on the consist. At present, each car is loaded with only the first object in the product lists.


If your queues are too big and at risk of causing a timeout, it will just pick one and quickly get moving. Currently if your queue list is larger than 10 it will just pick a random queue and product slot but nothing should be the exact same. I had to do that because of the timeout threshold in TANE, iirc it effected a lot of your stock since they have unusually high numbers of queues set in them.

Why don't you provide an example and I'll see if I can help you with it. I know I am still using it all the time without any issue on various stock.
My Intermodal flat cars, Truck carrying flatcars, Bulkheads, and other commodity carrying flatcars, etc. these are the ones I'd love to see random loads.
Dave it just isn't possible with the unusual way you configured your queues where there are that many of them with one product in them. The script would time out and cause an exception - and that just leads to people asking for support or why is it broken. If I recall the way you configure your items specifically is the reason I had to add that catch to just skip it and go with a random choice in the first queue. But if you only have one item in a queue entry, then it cant very well choose anything but that. I'm sorry I just don't know how to help because I am up against a problem on both ends.
I thought you guys liked a challenge. Surely there's got to be a way to create an "Instantload" command that would randomly load cars in a consist truly randomly, no matter how an asset was configured!
You simply cant load that many queues from a traincar and do the required tasks without a very good chance of tripping the ER_TIMEOUT exception. I say good chance because the code works, however if trainz thinks its taking too long its going to halt it and give an exception. This could pass one, two, maybe even several more of those cars with 100 queues in the config with 1 or 2 product entries but eventually trainz will kill the execution. I'm very sorry Dave, but the reason it doesn't function as you want is because of the product config of your traincar. I had to ignore such configured items because I didn't want people getting red bugs! Also, if you have more than one product in the first queue it can randomly pick between those. This was the way the very original instant load worked.
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In my experience if the total commodity count is over 120, there will be a time out and ARN will be inop. If any product queue exceeds 8 and you try to add a product to that queue, there will also be a time out and the commodity list will be empty for that car.

