T traincrazy0918 Keepin it on the rails! Nov 30, 2007 #1 does anyone know how to get rid of tilt in cabins?
R RooRocz This space for rent. Nov 30, 2007 #2 It's realistic and not too terribly distracting. Why would you want to get rid of it? Although it does need to be dampened a bit. I don't think there actually is a way without a lot of scripting.
It's realistic and not too terribly distracting. Why would you want to get rid of it? Although it does need to be dampened a bit. I don't think there actually is a way without a lot of scripting.
S Spawn_of_Chaos97 Trainz for Everyone! Nov 30, 2007 #3 It tilts the wrong way unless you use the banking consists rule lol...
T traincrazy0918 Keepin it on the rails! Nov 30, 2007 #4 I had it somewhere and i made it go down a little.But the funny thing is that the train/car in front dosent tilt
I had it somewhere and i made it go down a little.But the funny thing is that the train/car in front dosent tilt
S Spawn_of_Chaos97 Trainz for Everyone! Dec 1, 2007 #5 Set banking to (lol) 3 and that should make it tilt the right way.
N nismit Brakeman Dec 2, 2007 #7 cabinsway keyword in config.txt Posting Deleted. Last edited: Aug 1, 2008
T trw1089 Steam Devotee... Dec 3, 2007 #8 nismit said: cabinsway followed by a decimal number. Zero gives no sway, larger numbers more sway. Don't know if the number can be negative to produce a tilting train. Click to expand... Hi all I use -3 in the cabinsway tag to give a nice banking/superelevation effect. It works a treat. Cheers Tony
nismit said: cabinsway followed by a decimal number. Zero gives no sway, larger numbers more sway. Don't know if the number can be negative to produce a tilting train. Click to expand... Hi all I use -3 in the cabinsway tag to give a nice banking/superelevation effect. It works a treat. Cheers Tony