Industries that accept sand?


I'm back. >:]
Are there any available? I looked up how Sand is used in the real world but i'm not sure how exactly to model a railway in Trainz that realistically moves sand in a functional way.

And help/Guidance? :confused:
Are there any available? I looked up how Sand is used in the real world but i'm not sure how exactly to model a railway in Trainz that realistically moves sand in a functional way.

And help/Guidance? :confused:

There are lots of industries thay require sand. Off the top of my head...

1) Cement/Concrete companies

2) Local towns and cities up north because of bad weather.
They'll use the sand to grit the roads during the bad weather.

3) Glass manufacturers

3) Foundaries.
Used in the casting process

4) Housing and construction for fill.

I'm sure there are more.

if your railroad ventures near a beach, you can have it so it looks like the RR is dumping sand off at the beach to rebuild the coast. saw it done before
if your railroad ventures near a beach, you can have it so it looks like the RR is dumping sand off at the beach to rebuild the coast. saw it done before

Actually its a Feldbahn. More of an Industrial setting too.

The only problem I'm getting now is, I need a Unloader thing that accepts sand. I've tried TWICE with two different items to make them unload the sand that goes in the Kipplore V-skips but no luck. AT ALL.