[h=1]Indiana crash between train and limousine caught on camera[/h] By Ben Hooper
| July 23, 2015 at 12:20 PM

A train collides with a stranded limousine Saturday in New Paris, Ind. StudioNoeProductions/YouTube video screenshot
NEW PARIS, Ind., July 23 (UPI) -- A limousine stranded on a set of Indiana train tracks was struck by an oncoming train and the collision was caught on camera.
The video, posted to YouTube by StudioNoeProductions, shows a man attempt to warn the train of the oncoming hazard by waving a red flag at it, but the warning comes too late and the train collides with the empty limo.
The Saturday crash occurred in New Paris after the limousine became stuck on the tracks while carrying a party of teenagers celebrating a birthday.
There were no injuries from the crash, but the limousine suffered damage when it was pushed sideways down the tracks by the train.
A second video, shared on Facebook by the Elkhart County Sheriff's Department, shows the aftermath of the crash.

A train collides with a stranded limousine Saturday in New Paris, Ind. StudioNoeProductions/YouTube video screenshot
NEW PARIS, Ind., July 23 (UPI) -- A limousine stranded on a set of Indiana train tracks was struck by an oncoming train and the collision was caught on camera.
The video, posted to YouTube by StudioNoeProductions, shows a man attempt to warn the train of the oncoming hazard by waving a red flag at it, but the warning comes too late and the train collides with the empty limo.
The Saturday crash occurred in New Paris after the limousine became stuck on the tracks while carrying a party of teenagers celebrating a birthday.
There were no injuries from the crash, but the limousine suffered damage when it was pushed sideways down the tracks by the train.
A second video, shared on Facebook by the Elkhart County Sheriff's Department, shows the aftermath of the crash.