Ignore this post

Well, Rowan certainly didn't miss the post. :hehe: Nice of him to drop in like that. :cool:

Casper, you mention mileage, which I am an advocate for the returning thereof. :D
Kill Ohm Metres!!, I say !. There's far too much taxing of innocent poles. They once used to get a fair mileage, but over the years have been forced into unfair crowding due to the Ohm Metre Tax (aligned with the sad Dem eyes, due to the metrification of all~things~once~good). :'(

Well, this will have to do for now (my poste haste). :wave:
This thread is three years old this week.

Haven’t seen very many Happy Birthday posts on the Forum in recent months.

Here’s another one to ignore.:D

Happy Birth Day to all posts left here, & any that have been pinched. May you happily hold up many things for many miles to come, & take a long time to form splinter groups (groups of splinters).
Perhaps we should have a prize for the best post here?, an A~Poste~Trophy perhaps?. :Y:
{Posts stand a better chance of remaining perpendicularly inclined; with a "perhaps" on each side. :hehe::eek: } :wave:
I'm sorry to bump this post...

I just didm't want it to be forgotten!!!

So glad you bumped this post.
However, in so bumping it, the post upon entering the yard was accosted by the posthumous Yard Master (smelly man):
Upon such unkind accusation, there was only one thing to do; Post~Reply (which the post duly did):
"Impostible!!, I'm never late. In fact, with that last bump, I ended up here Post~Haste! "
Mr Post, being so closely related to Mr Gates, hopped over to (posts don't have a leg to stand on) the allotment of assortment of spent gates (that used to be trusted; but now rusted), & began re~hinging to a pretty young thing with attitude (Miss Front Gate), as he cringed in fear of the Yard Master.
To be continued; by whomever takes up the sword (er, post) of response~reply. :):wave:
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That's what happens, when someone posts a brand new thread, without thinking ... then posts an empty thread saying: "ignore This Post".

You should have ignored this thread ... But you chose to read it, instead :hehe: